LL:O - Occupy with Art Flash Mob!!!

Come flash mob to The Beatles' Revolution with us!
Three easy steps:
- Learn the dance using this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8dcrngOWv4&feature=youtu.be
- Show up on March 3, 2012 at the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza
... (125 East 8th Street Eugene, Oregon) at 4:15pm.
- Bring friends and boogey down to The Beatles at 4:30pm.
Come support the Occupy movement by being a part of 'Low Lives: Occupy!' a unique one-night-only program of live performance art, happenings, and public actions, simulcast to presenting host venues around the world.
'Language of Revolution' - Eugene's contribution to the festival - uses Occupy hand signals to create a fun, easy dance for anyone and everyone to enjoy and join in!
Low Lives: Occupy! will take place on Saturday, March 3, 2012 from 6 -10 pm (EST).
Watch the live simulcast on March 3 at http://www.occupywithart.com/llo-live-channel/
The Low Lives: Occupy! program will include thirty-five performance artists, Occupy groups, and artist collectives located worldwide in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy movement for the 99%. Participants will expand the reach and visibility of the Occupy protests by broadcasting to an international audience community. Thirteen co-presenting organizations in eight countries including U.S., México, Spain, Colombia, Brazil, Northern Ireland, France, and Argentina, will project Low Lives: Occupy! in their own venues and public spaces. The Occupy protests, and the myriad of perspectives and experiences related to this unique movement, will be amplified, explored, and experimented with, through Low Lives’ internet-based creative platform.
Participating Artists and Artist Collectives
99% Bat Signal - The Illuminator (NYC, US) / Alejandro Chellet (Cancun, MX) / Alejandro Guzman (NYC, US) / Alternative Art College (London, UK) / Angela Alegria + Lucía Andújar + Dani d’Emilia (Lisbon, PT) / Antena Mutante + ChicoBauti (Bogotá, CO) / Arun Storrs (Oregon, US) / Astrid Menasanch (Madrid, ES) / Bados Earthling (Melbourne, AU) / Christina Sukhgian Houle (Alabama, US) / The Civilians (NYC, US) / Egg No Ego (Bucharest, RO) / Emerge Collective (NYC, US) / Francesca Fini (Rome, IT) / Ginna Vélez (Bogotá, CO) / Guerrero Project (Mexico City, MX) / Heather Warren-Crow (Wisconsin, US) / Justine Marrion Massey (Buenos Aires, AR) / Kanene Ayo Holder (NYC, US) / Kaxinawá Occupy. Som, Música e Poesia (Greater Rio de Janeiro, BR) / Lukas Avendaño (Oaxaca, MX) / Miles Pflanz (NYC, US) / Minipimer.tv (Barcelona, ES) / Moe Beitiks (Illinois, US) / Nyugen E. Smith (New Jersey, US) / Occupy Your Spirituality (NYC, US) / The People Staged (NYC, US) / Proyecto 21 (Mexico City, MX) / Revolutionary Games (NYC, US) Rocio Boliver aka La Congelada de Uva (Tijuana, Mexico_San Diego, U.S. border) / Second Front (Second Life) / The Super Art League (DC Universe) / Tempest Productions + Pilgrim Theatre + Bread and Puppet + Occupy Boston’s CASA working group (Massachusetts, US) / Tara Raye Russo (New Jersey, US) / Tutu-Marambá: Pesquisas das Artes do Corpo (Sao Paolo, BR) / Victoria Gibson (Vancouver, CA) /

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