LOW LIVES: OCCUPY! Videos Live at the New Low Lives Website

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
[From Thomas]
Sketch by Isaac Moylan
Occupiers, 99%-ers, Fellow Insurgents,
The rumors are true. Deep in the bowels of Brooklyn the plans were hatched, the forces gathered, the dream made real. The Illuminator has been given form and will ride out on its maiden voyage this Saturday night as part of Low Lives: Occupy! Its mission: To smash the myths of the information industry so that people might see for themselves what the 99% movement is fighting for. The Illuminator is a tactical media tool and spectacularization machine, a beautiful and useful instrument to be used to grow and strengthen the movement in New York City and around the country. We've got big plans. Go to the website, follow us on the social media outlet of your choice, and stay tuned.
To catch us on Livestream on Saturday night at 7:28, 8:26, or 9:24pm, check in on the Low Lives channel: http://www.occupywithart.com/llo-live-channel/
To catch us live, follow us on one of those aforementioned outlets.
See you in the Streets,
The Illuminator Team
The livestreaming channel is up, tested & ready for Low Lives: Occupy! - Saturday's [#m3] international performance art occu-x-travaganza at the Hemispheric Institute. We added a chat feature for viewers and participants to share comments, reactions and occu-interpretations in real time. The (approximate) order of appearance/sequence of performances is also posted on the LL:O Live Channel (and below). Click the link to check it out!
LOW LIVES: OCCUPY! Performance Schedule*
*Please note that schedule times are not exact
Updated on Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 04:10PM by
(Concept sketch by Isaac Moylan)
[NOTE: Below is the BETA/Draft text for Mark Read's (99% Bat Signal) Illuminator project, which will debut at Low Lives: Occupy on March 3, 2012. The Illuminator promises to be one of the coolest things to emerge from OWS arts & culture, yet! Stay tuned for more exciting Illuminator updates from OwA. We will be creating a special section for Mark on our site soon.]
The Illuminator
Description and Mission Statement
By Mark Read
I am currently overseeing the design, fabrication, and deployment of The Illuminator, a mobile video projection system and library/info shop. Its primary function will be to serve as an outreach tool for Occupy Wall Street and the #occupy movement as a whole. I hope to shortly form an ad-hoc group comprised of representatives from various working groups that will ultimately decide how to use this powerful new tool. Working groups to be initially included on that Ad-Hoc committee will be Arts and Culture, Movement Building, Outreach, The People’s Library, Media, and PR. If other working groups feel they should be included they should let me know.
In design terms, The Illuminator is a modified Ford Econoline cargo van in which a video projector, soundsystem, and magazine racks have been installed. The projector and speakers rise out of the roof on a periscoping platform. The side doors of the van open up to create an infoshop alcove, with shelves or racks, mounted on the doors, and a bookshelf between the doors inside the van bolted to the van floor. The exterior of the van is un-modified so as to allow it to travel in “stealth mode.” When desired, large magnetic decals of the "99% bat signal" (white circle with 99% in the middle) are placed on the exterior of the van to announce its presence, and a banner can be attached to the outside. The Illuminator is, in essence, a shapeshifter and a transformer of public space. When it parks it becomes (1) a cinema, and (2) a library/infoshop.
Illuminator Cinema: The hatch opens, and a platform with a projector and speakers is raised. Instantly, a cinema setting is created.
Come flash mob to The Beatles' Revolution with us!
Three easy steps:
Come support the Occupy movement by being a part of 'Low Lives: Occupy!' a unique one-night-only program of live performance art, happenings, and public actions, simulcast to presenting host venues around the world.
'Language of Revolution' - Eugene's contribution to the festival - uses Occupy hand signals to create a fun, easy dance for anyone and everyone to enjoy and join in!
Low Lives: Occupy! will take place on Saturday, March 3, 2012 from 6 -10 pm (EST).
Watch the live simulcast on March 3 at http://www.occupywithart.com/llo-live-channel/
by Ashley Sanders
On March 3rd, thousands of people in over ten different countries will point their projectors to occupy building facades, movie screens and bare white walls with transmissions from a performance phenomenon known as Low Lives: Occupy! LL:O! is an artistic celebration of the Occupy movement that uses the medium as its message, pushing the grainy, live-stream, camera-phone-style footage that made Occupy famous to stage a series of simultaneous, real-time performances that interrogate, explore and push the limits of what Occupy means. The pieces will run the gamut from direct action to spectacle, and the audience will be equally diverse and democratic: anyone with an internet connection can gather with any number of people and watch as artists and activists from everywhere stage five minute pieces that blur the line between art, politics, and performance.
For further information, contact:
Paul McLean
Co-organizer, Occupy with Art
February 17, 2012 (New York, NY)–Occupy with Art will partner with international presenter Low Lives and The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics to present “Low Lives: Occupy!,” a unique one-night-only program of live performance art, simulcast via an online streaming network to presenting host venues around the world. Low Lives: Occupy! will take place on March 3, 2012 from 6 – 10pm (EST). Mark Read, creator of the 99% Bat Signal / The Illuminator, will contribute a special projection and performance in conjunction with Low Lives: Occupy! in New York City.
For further information, contact:
Paul McLean
Co-organizer, Occupy with Art
January 26, 2012 (New York, NY)–Occupy with Art will partner with international presenter Low Lives and The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics to present “Low Lives: Occupy!,” a unique one-night-only program of live performance art, simulcast via an online streaming network to presenting host venues around the world. Low Lives: Occupy! will take place on March 3, 2012. Mark Read (creator of the 99% “bat signal”) will contribute a special projection and performance in conjunction with Low Lives: Occupy! in New York City.
Paul McLean, co-organizer of Occupy with Art, commented: “Occupy with Art is proud to present Low Lives: Occupy! in collaboration with the Hemispheric Institute of NYU. We hope to amplify the voice of the 99% (Mic: CHECK), and articulate our desires and dreams, as a transmission, relayed in real time to presenting partners (and occupations) around the globe. Low Lives: Occupy! will stage a sequence of unique encounters with the 99%, and Occupy with Art will serve, along with our collaborators, as facilitators and archivists for this event. We look forward with great anticipation to what promises to be a magical evening together celebrating Occupy and the Occupiers of Now.”
The Low Lives: Occupy! program will include over two dozen performance artists, Occupy groups, and artist collectives located worldwide in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy movement for the 99%. Participants will expand the reach and visibility of the Occupy protests by broadcasting to an international audience community. The Occupy protests, and the myriad of perspectives and experiences related to this unique movement, will be amplified, explored, and experimented with, through Low Lives’ internet-based creative platform.
Presenting partner and event organizer, Occupy with Art, will host the Low Lives: Occupy! live simulcast at OccupywithArt.com, providing the means for viewers around the world to access the program online. The Hemispheric Institute, presenting partner and official New York City venue for Low Lives: Occupy!, will present one live performance during the March 3 event, and screen all other selections in real time using live-streaming technology. Other presenting partners of Low Lives: Occupy! will present the simulcast in their own venues and public spaces.
Occupy with Art is an affinity group of the Arts & Culture Working Group of the NYC General Assembly for Occupy Wall Street. Formerly Occupenial, Occupy with Art is made up of artists, writers, curators, and art professionals lending their skills to produce art, cultural events and projects, with a particular focus on OWS itself as a social art process. Occupy with Art produces art projects, large-scale events, and exhibitions, working with Occupy groups as well as outside organizations.
Artist proposals for Low Lives: Occupy! are due February 6, 2012. Interested co-presenters must contact Low Lives in advance of that date. For information on proposal and presenter requirements, visit lowlives.net
^ Watch a video of the amazing power and effect of the “Bat Signal:”
Mark Read ["Bat Signal"] will be partnering with "Low Lives: Occupy!"
[More details coming soon.]
CHECK THIS: InterOccupy is hosting the "Bat Signal" source files HERE.
...Including: Tips and Instructions for guerilla projections. [PDF]
Low Lives launches new program in partnership with Occupy With Art and The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics.
On March 3rd, 2012, Low Lives: Occupy! an international platform designed to enable artists, audiences, and presenters in alliance with the Occupy movement to support the occupation, will transmit live performances, actions, and happenings online as they occur in real time around the world. Participating artists, artist collectives, Occupy groups, and presenters worldwide will expand the reach and visibility of the Occupy protests by broadcasting to an international community and audiences. The Occupy protests, and the myriad of perspectives and experiences related to this unique moment, will be amplified, explored, and experimented with, through Low Lives’ internet-based creative platform. Low Lives: Occupy! recognizes the powerful opportunity that is the presentation of performances from around the world, and invites artists to open eyes and minds by presenting a radical re-imagining of possible ways of existing and relating.
Over the past 4 years Low Lives has developed a platform that invites and enables artists, audiences, and presenting venues to "plug in and participate" from anywhere an internet connection exists. This technological platform brings a history of supporting artists’ full creative freedom to imagine new worlds and is now offered to artists interested to present work in solidarity with #OWS. Online documentation of the live event will allow Low Lives: Occupy! to inspire online audiences far into the future.