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Tonight's Interoccupy Call & Online Survey!

 If you had all the Occupy artists in one room - and you could ask them one question - what would it be?
Tonight, we are going to do something a little different. We are changing up our format for this InterOccupy Arts Call to focus on open dialogue around the questions that interest you the most. It's a chance to spark a nationwide discussion on the questions you've been keeping to yourself, or saying in smaller circles. It's an opportunity to involve everyone, and get feedback from people across the world. 

 Share your questions with us through our online survey and we will use them for the call tonight, Wednesday:

This "Open Dialogue"  call is Tonight, Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 10pm EST/ 7pm PST.
If you have never registered for one of these calls, you can register here.
Occupy Artists of the World, Unite!
InterOccupy Arts Call Planning Committee
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