
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries in phone conference (4)


InterOccupy Arts Call [#3/21]

Spring Resurgence: A Season of Resistance!

InterOccupy Arts Call | Wed March 21 | 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific 

As Occupy and 'The 99%' movement comes through its first winter, a historic amount of beautiful resistance and transformation is ready to burst onto the scene! Join this call to connect with artists and organizers from a range of actions and projects about to bloom. Come ready to hear and share exciting projects to cultivate and multiply your own! 

Register for the call


  • National Trainings and Direct Actions | 99% Spring; Joy Cushman - New Organizing Institute
  •  Strategic Arts Organizing|  modules from a new guidebook; Dave Mitchell - "Beautiful Trouble" co-editor
  •  Occupy Their Homes | Shareholder Spring; Ben Master - United NY
  •  The Commons are Everywhere | Occupy Town Square; Lucky - OWS Town Squares affinity group
  • ...and more to be announced soon!

There will be breakouts sessions where we will all have a chance to discuss and share plans to make our spring stronger, and continue to build the occupy movement. 

If you have never registered for one of these calls, register here (we recommend doing it now, as last minute registrations don't always work). 



InterOccupy Arts Call |#F22 |: 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific 

InterOccupy Arts Call | Wed Feb 22 | 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific 
Artists as Bridges: How are artists connecting Occupy and other movements for economic and social justice?

As Occupy and 'The 99%' movement expands, it continues to deepen its connections with communities and issues of all kinds. On this call, we will hear from artists who are doing powerful, innovative work of 'bridging', using the unique power of art, music, performance and spectacle, to connect Occupy to new issues and communities, and vice versa.   

Click to read more ...


Tonight's Interoccupy Call & Online Survey!

 If you had all the Occupy artists in one room - and you could ask them one question - what would it be?
Tonight, we are going to do something a little different. We are changing up our format for this InterOccupy Arts Call to focus on open dialogue around the questions that interest you the most. It's a chance to spark a nationwide discussion on the questions you've been keeping to yourself, or saying in smaller circles. It's an opportunity to involve everyone, and get feedback from people across the world. 

Click to read more ...


NATIONAL OCCUPY ARTS CALL -- Occupy 2.0: The Next Phase

NATIONAL OCCUPY ARTS CALL -- Occupy 2.0: The Next Phase

Wed, Jan 25th at 10pm EST/7pm PST

To register for the call, go to:

(You only have to register once, so if you registered for the first call, that call-in information is all you need)

The Occupy movement started with encampments in public and private space, but Occupy communities across the country have been exploring what the next direction of the movement will look like. Art and culture has taken a lead role in many of the varied and innovative answers to the "next phase" question. How art is supporting or leading these efforts will be the topic of this next national Occupy arts conference call. Please join us!

We are looking for presenters for this call. If you are doing art and culture work that supports moving the Occupy movement in new directions, please let us know if you would like to present on the call. Just send a short description of your project with the project's contact info and web presence to:  If you know of artists whose Occupy work fits this theme, please forward this to them.

And everyone should feel free to post ANY Occupy art projects they are working on to our new InterOccupy Art Facebook page! (And "Like" the page while you're at it!):

Moving forward,

InterOccupy Arts Call Planning Committee