THE Most Important Occupation in the World Right Now.

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
At 12am, OWS staged a peaceful protest in the ultimate irony, occupying fake Zuccotti Park set in Foley Square for early am shoot of Law & Order SVU. It was a replica tent city with the same signs "We are the 99%", a library and kitchen like the original demolished by Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD.
Photo by Antonio Serna (A&C Syndicate)
From the website (live late-nite updates, as events unfolded):
- 1:36: Cops breaking down mockupied Wall Street. NBC's speech rights clearly infringed.
- 1:25: NYPD occupying fake Liberty Square, fake demands unclear.
- 1:03: GA in progress. More mockupiers needed at Foley Square!
- 12:52: cops moving in
- 12:47: unconfirmed reports that "Law & Order's" permit has been revoked. What's a permit?
- 12:40: police threaten to arrest mockupiers after 1AM: "if you do not leave, you will be arrested."
- 12:19: GA in 20 minutes
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to make the group aware that Lady Liberty made an appearance at a community event that Occupy: The Bronx held on Saturday to defend a community garden that the city had recently bulldozed. 5 people were arrested for peaceably standing on the sidewalk (they were NOT blocking traffic -which was non-existent). We then marched to the 40th precinct, and had a GA while we waited for them to be released. Then we marched BACK to the garden and shared
thoughts and the history of the garden & action, then left.
HOWEVER, on our way to the subway, the cops prevented us from leaving and demanded that we give them the rods that controlled the puppet's arms and head because they were potential weapons. !!!- Joe
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