The People's Puppets of Occupy Wall Street - Creation of Neighborhood Heights

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
The People's Puppets of Occupy Wall Street is a collection of puppeteers, performers, musicians, visual artists and other creatives who believe in the revolutionary powers of the Puppet Arts. They have gleefully created numerous puppets and performances in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, protesting the inequalities of today and promoting a radically better tomorrow.
The most recent project of the People's Puppets is a toy theater subway series, based around the theme "Another World is Possible". These shows will tell tales of the future through re-written fairy tales, rhyme and song and stories about fantastical places such as the Possible Hospital and the University of Opportunity. This toy theater world will be able to transform a tiny corner of a subway car or span the whole length, welcoming all to join in and consider the possibilities of the future.
Help our puppeteers meet their fundraising goal of $999! They're almost there, with only a couple of days left in the campaign!
Click HERE to go to the Kickstarter page... for Occupy the Holidays!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to make the group aware that Lady Liberty made an appearance at a community event that Occupy: The Bronx held on Saturday to defend a community garden that the city had recently bulldozed. 5 people were arrested for peaceably standing on the sidewalk (they were NOT blocking traffic -which was non-existent). We then marched to the 40th precinct, and had a GA while we waited for them to be released. Then we marched BACK to the garden and shared
thoughts and the history of the garden & action, then left.
HOWEVER, on our way to the subway, the cops prevented us from leaving and demanded that we give them the rods that controlled the puppet's arms and head because they were potential weapons. !!!- Joe
Occupy the Holidays: The Occupy Wall Street Arts & Culture Working Group along with the OWS Puppet Guild are bringing a giant puppet & performance spectacle to the streets of New York City.
Occupy the Holidays will showcase many different performance groups (masked performers, dancers, puppeteers, stilt walkers, musicians...) in a travelling piece of street theater as we tell the tale of Mayor Michael Scroogeberg and his quest to find the best (and moste expensive!) gift this Holiday season.
The OWS puppet guild has had an overwhelming amount of support for our unique artistic contribution to the movement. As has been show for hundreds of years, puppets are a very special and potent tool in the battle for a new consciousness. They help us educate ourselves and others, and they help us celebrate what we've accomplished so far. They will help us tell our story and continue to grow this movement and re-inspire our faling democracy.
But making giant puppets in nyc is expensive! We learned a lot in Occupy Halloween about the cost of storing, transporting, feeding volunteers and this new ambitious budget will help us create a revolutionary theatrical event like no other. Any size contribution will help!
And if you can't donate, please repost/retweet/share this link widely!