This is from Elaine Fernandez, who is coming back this week to do some interviews. - Fawn

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
This is from Elaine Fernandez, who is coming back this week to do some interviews. - Fawn
Masters on Main Street is hosting a dynamic art project linking Occupy Wall Street and the world, via the small town of Catskill, NY. Main Street's vacant storefronts come alive with over 50 visual art and design exhibits, performances, workshops and panel discussions from the opening date on March 17 through May 31st.
Wall Street to Main Street is a collaborative presentation working with individual artists, curators and organizers from the Occupy Wall Street Arts and Culture Working Group. The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has focused its energy on justice for the 99%. Wall Street to Main Street, a project facilitated by Occupy With Art, offers a platform for creative expression and dialogue focusing attention on a struggling community through a ten-week festival of experiences designed to engage, educate and inspire.
There have been so many videos about OWS that’s just cops beating up protesters, it’s depressing. More so is the fact that they just don’t capture the spirit of what we are about at OWS! We are about SOOOOO much more than getting attacked and pepper sprayed! Duh! And there is also such a spirit of hope and having fun here at OWS that I just had to make something…. so here it is:
Please let me know what you think! I want to make more videos for the revolution so feedback is really helpful!
In Solidarity,
Leia MonDragon