WS2MS: Communique from Co-organizer Fawn Potash

Bravo everybody! My sincerest gratitude for making Wall Street to Main Street into this most amazing constellation of exhibits, workshops, seminars, performances, tours and cool stuff. I intend to write each one of you a personal thank-you note with copies of our press clippings, but until then, I want you to know what a meaningful experience this has been for me in meeting and getting to know your work and passions. It has been a personal and community-wide education. Like many Occupy events, it has demonstrated many of the principles of the movement in action.
There are many intangible results. At the most basic level, WS2MS supports the idea that we, along with people all over the world can speak and act on our own behalf. If we have not changed any minds, we have at least provoked conversation and offered opportunities for engagement and education at every level and sensibility. We have worked well with all of Catskill's community stakeholders giving us a successful track record and deeper connection to our neighbors. Plus Catskill has buzz. Even if people didn't make it to Main Street in person, there's no way they missed the PR storm. People know we are here now.
The tangible results have great import for Catskill too. This project played a major role in attracting several paying residential and storefront tenants. The long dormant Civil War era factory building, Union Mills has found a buyer, who sees the historic value of this property and its potential as a cultural linchpin on Main Street. There's much more, but we can go into more detail as we put together the project archive.
Your gift to Catskill and the audiences we have engaged is unquantifiably valuable. I hope we will be able to come up with some creative way to publicly acknowledge your contribution in a lasting way.