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Entries by admin (551)


Brian Holmes at #OWS and 16 Beaver St.

Sunday -- 10.09.11 -- Notes on Three Crises -- Brian Holmes

1. About this Sunday
2. Three Crises: 30s-70s-Today : the Concept
3. Three Crises: 30s-70s-Today : Chicago Sessions
4. Some questions to discuss on Sunday
5. Links

1. About this Sunday

What: Three Crises Notes
When: Sunday -- 10.09.11 @ 8:00PM
Where: 16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor
Who: Free and open to all

On Saturday 10.08.11 evening at 6pm. Brian Holmes will be giving a talk at Liberty Park on "The End of the Financial Mind and the Transformation of Global Class Structure."

We would like to invite you the following night (Sunday) to 16 Beaver. Since our last conversation this summer, we have been contemplating to organize an intensive meeting together with Brian related to three historic crises. In the 30s, the 70s and today.

So much of this work Brian has been doing is precisely to understand the crises in our midst and the challenges it poses on the level of organizing ourselves to combat them.

The aim is to take a closer look at two turning points of economic and social history, to find out where we’ve been and what we have become as the United States and the world traverse a third major crisis. To grasp what’s happening before our eyes, and to gain some influence over the new forms of society that will emerge over the next decade.

We would like to take the occasion of his presence here in New York to think together this possibility in the form of an open discussion.

Below, we have some basic outline of the seminar he has been organizing with friends in Chicago at Mess Hall.

We will begin the evening in the structure of questions and answers. We formulated some questions below, which Brian will try to address directly, after which we can open up to a common conversation and touch more closely issues related to the occupation and the challenges for this movement.

2. Three Crises: 30s-70s-Today : the Concept

The development of capitalism is marked, every thirty or forty years, by the eruption of extended economic crises that restructure the entire system in organizational, technological, financial and geopolitical terms, while also affecting daily life and commonly held values and attitudes. In the course of these crises, conditions of exploitation and domination are challenged by grassroots and anti-systemic movements, with major opportunities for positive change. However, each historical crisis has also elicited an elite response, stabilizing the worldwide capitalist system on the basis of a new integration/repression of classes, interest groups, genders and minority populations (whose definition, composition and character also change with the times). In the United States, because of its leading position within twentieth-century capitalism, the domestic resolution of each of the previous two crises has helped to restructure not only national social relations, but also the international political-economic order. And each time, progressive demands that emerged from the crisis period have been transformed into ideologies covering a new structure of inequality and oppression. By examining the crises of the 1930s and the 1970s along with the top-down responses and the resulting hegemonic compromises, we will cut through the inherited ideological confusions, gain insight into our own positions within neoliberal society, identify the elite projects on the horizon and begin to formulate our own possible agency during the upcoming period of instability and chaos.

3. Some questions to discuss on Sunday

1. What brought you thinking about these crises?

2. What is a common ground between the three?

3. What distinguishes the current one we are living through?

4. The question of forms of resistance and organization and of conflictual interests also come to the fore. Has your research also delved into the processes of resistance in these prior crises?

5. If some contours emerge in this archeology of the last crises, what kind of problems become discernible for social movements?

6. There is a geneological moment in every archeological effort, putting the subjugated knowledges into play, in a contemporary light. Given this molecular process unfolding in our midst, could the work you are doing cast a light for the kinds of work that will need to be done for this resistance not to suffer the same fate as in the 70's which gave rise to neoliberalism?

7. In a recent text about the contemporary crisis, by Michael Hardt entitled 'The Two Faces of the Apocalypse', he plots out the centrality of the commons, both in an ecological sense and in terms of production in a post-fordist society today. And there he also outlines some of the commonalities and antinomies between these movements. And one of these antinomies returns to the question of organization. On the one hand, the urgencies confronted by ecological ruin, require urgent action, which could be facilitated by larger forms of organization. On the other, so much of the anti-capitalist struggle for the social-economic commons has struggled for a basic change in the forms of organization. And forms like the general assembly that is being experimented with in wall street or various councils formed in the context of the north african revolts, require time, are slow, and work best when smaller, more accountable, and direct. Can our urgent questions be addressed without sacrificing the necessary struggles for autonomy and greater self-organization? Can we avert a capitalist or statist appropriation of the discourse around and struggle for the dual senses of commons?

4. Three Crises: 30s-70s-Today : Chicago Sessions

Description of the sessions from the self-organized seminar at Mess Hall in Chicago

1. Introduction: technopolitical paradigms, crisis, and the formation of new hegemonies.

We begin with a theoretical look at more-or-less coherent periods of capitalist development, known as technopolitical paradigms. During twenty to thirty-year periods, technologies, organizational forms, national institutions and global economic and military agreements all find a working fit that allows for growth and expansion, up to a limit-point where the paradigm begins to encounter conditions of stagnation, internal contradiction and increasing crisis. Autonomist Marxism helps us understand the dynamics of grassroots protagonism during the crisis periods. To grasp the mechanisms whereby systemic order is recreated, we turn to Antonio Gramsci’s notion of hegemony as the construction of a set of discourses and practices that can articulate the behaviors of diverse classes and interest groups, in order to secure their consent to a new social hierarchy. The ingredients of a hegemony are moral, aesthetic, philosophical and epistemological; but these abstract categories of thought and imagination soon become intertwined with economic practices and institutional forms. Hegemony is the force of desire and belief that knits a paradigm together and sustains it despite manifest injustices.

2.Working-class movements and the socialist challenge during the Great Depression.

This session describes the emergence of Fordist-Taylorist mass production in the United States, then turns to economic and geopolitical conditions following the Crash of ‘29. We follow the interaction between labor movements and socialist/communist doctrines, while examining the major institutional innovations of the Roosevelt administration. Can the 1930s be understood as a “regulation crisis” of assembly-line mass production? What are the forces that provoked the crisis? Has the “New Deal” become an idealized figure of class compromise for succeeding generations? What does it cover over?

3. The Council on Foreign Relations during WWII and the US version of Keynesian Fordism.

Only after 1938 was the economic crisis resolved through the state orchestration of innovation and production, effected by wartime institutions. Corporate leaders from the Council on Foreign Relations were directly inducted to the Roosevelt government and planned the postwar monetary and free-trade order enshrined in the Bretton-Woods agreements. How was the intense labor militancy of the 1930s absorbed into the Cold War domestic balance? To what extent did the American experience shape the industrial boom in the Keynesian social democracies of Western Europe and Japan? How were the industrial welfare states supported and enabled by neocolonial trade relations and resource extraction?

4. The ‘60s revolts, Third-World self-assertion, stagflation and the monetary chaos of the ‘70s.

The brief convergence of labor movements, student revolts and minority rights campaigns in 1968 was a global phenomenon, spurred on by Third World liberation and the struggle in Vietnam. Wildcat strikes, entitlement claims and the political imposition of higher resource prices (notably by OPEC) were all key factors in the long stagnation of the 1970s. We examine the breakdown of Bretton-Woods and the conquest of relative autonomy by Western Europe and Japan, along with the Third World push for a New International Economic Order. Does the US internalize global economic and social contradictions during this period? Which aspects of the social and cultural revolts posed real obstacles to the existing economic structure? Which ones became raw materials for the formation of a new hegemonic compromise?

5. The Trilateral Commission and the transnational hegemony of Neoliberal Informationalism.

The launch of the Trilateral Commission by Nelson Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973 is an elite response to the crisis, with concrete political effects: some twenty members of the Commission were named to the Carter administration in 1976. During the decade the coming of “postindustrial society” was announced by sociology, while technoscientific innovations like the microprocessor went into production. Cooperation among trilateral elites was paralleled by financialization, the rise of networks, the creation of transnational futures and options exchanges, etc. However, the Treasury-induced US recession of 1980-82, the “Star Wars” military buildup and the emergence of a new innovation system are specifically American contributions to the new technopolitical paradigm that takes shape in the US in the 1980s, before going global after 1989. What are the defining features of Neoliberal Informationalism? Who are its beneficiaries – and losers? How is the geography of capitalist accumulation transformed by the new hegemony? What sort of commodity is transmitted over the electronic networks? And what does it mean to be a consenting “citizen” of the trilateral state-system?

6. BRIC countries, counter-globalization, Latin American and Middle Eastern social movements.

With the breakdown of the USSR in 1989, followed by the first Gulf War, the world-space is opened up for transformation by the trilateral economic system. The 1990s witnesses the largest capitalist expansion since the postwar industrial boom. It was supposed to be the “end of history” and the universal triumph of liberal democracy – but that soon hit the dustbin. After tracking the expansion of trilateral capitalism we focus on the economic rise of the Gulf states and the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), as well as the political currents of the counter-globalization movements, Salafi Jihad, Latin American Leftism and finally, the Arab Springtime. Do these diverse economic and political assertions mark the end of the trilateral hegemony and the reemergence of a multipolar order?

7. Financial crisis, climate change and elite attempts to stabilize Neoliberal Informationalism.

Here we will examine the inherently volatile dynamics of the informational economy, culminating in the Asian crisis of 1997-98, the dot-com bust of 2000 and finally, the credit crunch of 2008 and the ongoing fiscal crisis of the neoliberal state. Little has been done in the United States to control financial capital, but the debt crisis has massively punished the lower ranks of society and seriously eroded the status of the middle classes, with a major attack on the public university system and a move to cut all remaining welfare-state entitlements. What is the significance of the bailout programs? How have the European Union and Japan faced the crisis? What paths have been taken by the Gulf states, and above all, by China? Do we see the beginnings of new alliances among international elites, outside the traditional arenas of trilateral negotiation?

8. Perspectives for egalitarian and ecological social change in the upcoming decade.

In the absence of meaningful reform and redistribution, continued financial turmoil appears certain, along with a reorganization of the monetary-military order. Meanwhile, climate change is already upon us, advancing much faster than previously anticipated. The result of all this is unlikely to be business as usual. What we face is a triple crisis, economic, geopolitical and ecological, with consequences that cannot be predicted on the basis of past experience. Can we identify some of the central contradictions that will mark the upcoming years? Which institutions and social bargains have already come under severe stress? In what ways will the ecological crisis begin to produce political responses? How will class relations within the United States interact with crossborder and worldwide struggles? Is it possible to imagine a positive transformation of the current technopolitical paradigm?

5. Links

The Three Crises Seminar at Mess Hall has further readings, texts and recordings.

16 Beaver Group
16 Beaver Street, 4th fl.
New York, NY 10004

for directions/subscriptions/info visit:

4,5 Bowling Green
R,W Whitehall
2,3 Wall Street
J,M Broad Street
1,9 South Ferry



OCCUPY NYSE by Colonel Flick

[From Colonel Flick's "Occupy America" photoset on Flickr]:

Dear Fellow American,

I am writing this letter to you not as a liberal, not as a conservative; not as a lefty, not as a righty; not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, not as a Tea Party populist; not as a Christian, not as a Buddist, not as a Moslem, not as an atheist; not as a socialist, a communist and certainly not as a bailout capitalist.

I am writing to you as just another ordinary American.

I'm your next door neighbor, I'm the guy standing next to you at the check out counter, I sit next to you on the bus, I sit next to you at worship, I'm in the next lane over on the freeway, we see each other at work, I'm right behind you at the cinema and three rows over at the ball game, our kids go to school together. We stare blankly at each other each and every day, but we rarely if ever exchange a word.

Today, I have something important I would like to say to you.

In these twilit days of Indian Summer, as we watch the so called "power elite" luxuriating in their billionaire beach hideaways, at their billionaire birthday parties, political golf outings, fund raisers and PhD cowboy retreats, I keep asking myself one simple question.

I'm pretty sure you are asking yourself the same question as well. That question is written all over the worried faces of millions of struggling Americans trying to live a modest life within their modest means.

It is written on the faces of the unemployed struggling to pay their bills. It is written on the faces of young adults despondent over their prospect of living under the shadow of runaway debts. It is written on the faces of children living in homeless shelters, it is written on the faces of struggling entrepreneurs who can't get a loan, it is written on the faces of all of those frustrated working and out of work people who once had a simple American dream.

Everywhere I look, I see the same question.

Unfortunately, I don't see any answers.

All I see is self serving corruption, greed, stupidity, short sightedness and outright thievery by the parasites and leeches that would have us look upon them as our grand leaders and paragons of commerce.

They ask and take, they take and complain, then they give precious little or nothing in return.

They blather endless platitudes about what's good for them, then pay feeble lip service to what is good for the rest of us. Their idea of a free market is that of justice and prosperity to the highest bidder.

They are good at one thing and one thing only, preserving their own status quo by exploiting you, me and the rest of us.

They are callous human strip miners and care absolutely nothing about anything but their own fat cat bank accounts, fat cat sports cars, fat cat jets, fat cat hideaways, fat cat trophy wives, fat cat mistresses, fat cat country clubs and gold plated suntans.

The question I want to ask you is this: Why?

Why is it taking so long for all of us to look each other in the eye and finally say what finally needs to be said?

Those selfish crooked liars and thieves on Wall Street in collaboration with their hired guns and bought politicians in Washington DC have taken over the town. They are down in the Silver Dollar saloon whoring themselves at a big old drunken Wall Street party while the rest of us are quietly cowering in the miserable shadows of Everywhere USA.

Why are we waiting to speak out, to act, to do what is necessary to protect our families, our children, our grand children and our country, yes OUR country, from those Capital Hill bandits, corporate horse thieves and fast buck bankster snake oil artists?

It is time to take back the neighborhood we call USA. It is time to haul the thieves and swindlers responsible for the mother of all economic clusterfucks before the court of public justice.

Let them call us populists. Whatever. I'll gladly wear that badge if that is what it takes to set things right.

I know you are busy so I won't take more of your time. All I ask is you consider what I have said and how it relates to you, your friends family and loved ones.

I for one am not going to take it lying down.

The sooner we all stand up and openly say enough is finally enough, the better we will all be.

Yours sincerely,



{From DanieARTS []}

[posted Friday, October 7 at 12:08PM from Alejandre]

I need: 

Art Students/People with art install experience.
  • 5 volunteers this afternoon, 5 tomorrow morning, and 5 tomorrow afternoon.
  • Tomorrow from 6-9 we need another few volunteers  (any sort of experience is probably fine)
  • and then we need volunteers for clean up, SUNDAY, beginning at NOON. (any types)


[Contact the DanieARTS directly at the email provided above]


Update: LAF/#OWS/Occupennial 

[From Sally]


As far as the Living as Form installation, it is really still in the works and I think a full explanation and images will be more effective after it is activated by the public, which will hopefully happen today and tomorrow.
Basically, yesterday Nicole and I found some of that orange netting we were talking about and installed it on a wall in the exhibition space. We then got a bunch of cardboard and set up a sign making station on the floor in front of the netting on the wall. We could only find some crappy drug-store paint and only painted one sign to encourage others to do so as well. Today a CT intern is going to go purchase some better paint/brushes and also get some larger pieces of cardboard and maybe some sticks to attach to the signs. She is also printing up some images that she has taken down at OWS and is printing them to attach to the orange netting to provide context to the signs.
On Sunday in the space, there will be an event  led by the activist Reverend Billy ( ) that (I believe) will conclude in a walk down to OWS. We are going to tell him to encourage people to make signs and to take the ones made in the space today, tomorrow, and sunday with them as well.
So that is where things are at at LAF. I am hoping today the installation will get activated, and good images and a more cohesive blurb will follow. I think it is important to see how it is functioning in the space before we really write or document anything.
Also, we can really print any images or articles about OWS and attach them to the netting. Is there anything that you all think needs to be on there for sure? Do we want any thing specifically about the occupenial and how to get involved represented in any way? Again, this installation is not meant to take activity that should be happening down at Liberty Plaza away from the movement. Hopefully it will encourage more people who are not already there to get involved, create signs, and physically bring them (and themselves!) down to liberty plaza to put their messages into action. 

Ok, more soon!


Press Release for "No Comment"

[From Alejandre]

No Comment

a collaboration between
Loft in the Red Zone and Occupy Wall Street
23 Wall Street
Saturday, October 8th, 6-9 PM

One month ago, the first floor of the JP Morgan building was converted into a gallery space for Loft in the Red Zone, a 9/11 memorial show. Soon after its opening, Occupy Wall Street protestors rallied outside its doors and in Liberty Plaza, immediately changing the tone of Wall Street and Broad. History was and is manifesting outside, through marches, assemblies, and confrontations with the police, and as it became clear that a shift in consciousness and public empowerment was awakening in the streets, the gallery hurried to collaborate with protest organizers in a new art exhibition. Loft in the Red Zone is proud to welcome No Comment, what is hoped to be the first of many reactionary art events throughout New York City.

No Comment aims to expand the conversations taking place over the internet and in Zuccotti Park. The location on Wall Street, directly across from the New York Stock Exchange, is a symbolic realization of the Occupy Wall Street slogan “Wall Street is our street.” In the spirit of inclusivity that characterizes the movement, the show welcomes a range of works, from protest signage to pieces by established gallery artists. The exhibition’s goal is to present an open forum for an extensive range of relevant visual communication.

Works include video, interactive installation, photography, performance, sculpture, prints, and paintings, some of which were born of the movement, others which represent the uproar of the 99 percent. Graffitied murals will be displayed within the gallery and actively used in protests.

No Comment is a not-for-profit, one-night-only exhibition. Many of the works are donated, and allproceeds will be allocated to Loft in the Red Zone, Occupy Wall Street, and TheFeelGood Foundation. A silent auction will be held on Saturday evening, and the show will be open Saturday evening, from 6-9 PM.


#OWS/occupennial @Living As Form Exhibit Now

The "Living As Form" site is HERE, if you need more information (directions, etc) on how to get to and what's going on at the Essex Street expo.


From "A Curator"

Sotheby's has locked out workers in the context of immense corporate profits. Details can be gleaned elsewhere.

I find myself working with Sothebys in my job, and am disturbed to know I am doing business with an anti-labor organization.

I would respond favorably to a challenge to propgressive sellers of art (collectors, museums and galleries) to insist that a portion of the premiums Sotheby's collects in auctions be redirected to the Teamsters or AFL/CIO. This can be insisted upon in giving consignments. If an entity usually pays 5% sellers premium, they can now insist that 2% of the 5% goes to AFLCIO. Or they can negotiate a lower premium and send the difference themselves. Given that Christies will usually match Sotheby's negotiated terms  in order to get
consignments, Sotheby's will lose consignments, or lose cash.

I am not in a position to PROPOSE this idea, but I am in a position to RESPOND to it if some individual or group can begin it.

Contacting high-level collectors might result in a much better response than you imagine. Many of them are real progressives....


Blame Capitalism

"Blame Capitalism" by Evan Wondolowski

"I'm an artist an I'll be down to Liberty Square friday the 15th I've got about 70 screen printed 22 x 28 posters that i will be bringing down."


Performance Opportunity for Monday, October 10

[From Chris]

Monday Morning Perp Walk
People are needed for a street theater performance & march on Monday morning. I am hoping to get people who could pass for bankers.

*If you can't pass for a banker it will not be as effective* although everyone is welcome, men, women, people of color, LBGT, non-gender identified, etc.

Hopefully you have a dress shirt that is either blue or white and a tie of any color. The point is to march a group of Wall Street types around like they have been arrested. Please contact me for details as this performance is meant to address VERY SPECIFIC issues about our lack of clear messages.
chris cobb



Exhibit Opportunity


“NO COMMENT,” @Loft in the Red Zone

SUBMISSIONS DUE: Thursday, October 6th, Midnight.

Loft in the Red Zone present a pop-up art show, entitled “No Comment,” inspired by the #Occupy Wall Street movement at Liberty Plaza.

We will be showcasing multimedia art by activists and artists of New York.

The show concerns the current paradigm shift of human expression and the emerging social condition.

The show will be held at the historic JP Morgan Building, at 23 Wall Street, across from the New York Stock Exchange and Federal Hall, Saturday, October 8th, 2011 from 6-9 pm.  On Sunday, removable walls with graffiti art will be walked out of the front door of the gallery, at corner of Wall Street and Broad.

Silent Auction will be held on Saturday evening.


Please submit your work (sculptures, drawings, paintings, videos, photographs, spoken word, performance art, etc.)

We are also seeking graffiti artists, to paint 12 removable walls that on Sunday will be carried down Broadway as part of a public happening.

We encourage both established and emerging artists to take part.

We will let you know by Friday 11am, via email if your work has been accepted.

Please send the following to

1. 100 word statement/description of the work, including size, media and year produced.  Please include price, if for sale.
2. 100 word bio.
3. No more than 3 images of the work, if applicable.  If performance art, please send short synopsis.
4. Contact Info:  Phone Number. Website. Email.

Artists must be available to install their own works beginning Friday, October 7th at noon, and no later than Saturday October 8th at 2pm.

Please bring all necessary tools. Video artists bring their own projectors, DVD players, extension cords, power strips and sound, if applicable.

All work MUST be removed on Sunday, October 9th by 6pm.

We, at Loft in the Red Zone, are very much looking forward to this collaboration.

Best Regards,
Marika Maiorova
Creative Director
Loft in The Red Zone project 


#OccupyWallStreet at Creative Time's "Living As Form" Exhibit

On Thursday, October 5, Occupy Wall Street will participate in the Living As Form expo at its Essex Street location. More details TBA.

Nato Thompson of Creative Time posted this essay, "The Occupation of Wall Street Across Time and Space" at the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Studies website. He writes:

The occupation of Wall Street continues with vast alacrity and momentum. What began as an AdBusters’ call to accountability has captured a reservoir of frustration and inequity moving across the United States and beyond. Here in New York City, this particular moment defies easy categorization or analysis as it continues to move in directions that defy previous expectations and critiques. The occupation is ever in flux. Nonetheless, as the occupation (and numerous planned and spontaneous marches) heads into its three weeks amidst a fairly extensive media blackout in the United States, the movement is clearly heading into a different organizational and theoretical manifestation.

On his Dark Matter blog, Greg Sholette interviewed Nato, and the convergence of Living As Form and OWS was one of the topics they discussed:

Greg: And just one quick follow up Nato, as you know the Wall Street occupation emerged simultaneously with Living as Form and I see you and others involved in the art event made it a point to go down to Liberty Plaza and get directly involved in it. Perhaps its too soon to ask this, but do you see this as another link to the Summit and the exhibition, or as something more integral to their spirit, and therefore capable of playing a transformative role of some sort for social practice art going forwards?

Nato: I wouldn’t want to place too much emphasis on the spontaneous walk down to the occupation as frankly, it was the only reasonable thing to do. Participating in existing social movements is critical for anyone alive today let alone socially engaged artists. I mean, lets face it, having this occupation at the same time of the exhibition and summit was something that is hard to ignore. It has been an extremely poetic convergence and I am glad that even a hand full of folks have gathered down there and are now working to add what they can to the movement. That said, we could certainly use more help. If you are interested in joining the ranks down there, this is your invitation (I am speaking to the readers). Just walk down to Liberty Plaza, go to the info desk and ask how you can plug in. The more, the merrier.


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