
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries by admin (551)


Art Action: About Falling

Artist Ehud Darash presented his planned intervention at 16 Beaver last night.

Please join him in making this action happen:

What: About Falling in OWS
Where: The red cube, across from Zuccotti park
When: Sunday, October 30th, 12PM.


Description: We are going to fall, very slowly - from standing to laying down, in the vicinity of Zuccotti Park. It is an artistic action that is adressed *to* OWS, celebrating the diversity of this movement by introducing to it a temporary "otherness" - a different way of being.

We will meet at the red cube for a short teach-in and an explanation of the background of this gesture and practice.

The following is an example of previous renditions of the action:


NYCGA Hand Gestures

A Flickr photoset by "Newest Mutant"



16 Beaver [10.28.11]

Friday - 10.28.11 – Occupation: Calls and Responses

1. About this Friday
2. A call
3. A note on the format
4. Links

1. About this Friday

What: Presentations and discussion
When: Friday -- 10.28.11 @ 7:00PM
Where: 16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor
Who: Free and open to all

As Occupy Wall Street stretches into its sixth week and spreads across the
globe, a variety of questions have emerged about the directions it can

What are the modes in which artists and cultural workers have contributed
or could imagine contributing to the ongoing occupation(s)? What
situations or processes can be constructed (collectively)?

As people form affinity groups and begin to find experiences of a unitary
time, what new forms of life are potentially emerging? What kinds of
actions and infrastructures could support generalizing and supporting the
reproduction of such forms of life or culture?

If one of the strengths of this emergent movement is its ability to embody
a different politics, what kinds of consequences does it have in the
sphere of culture? How might the know-how and know-what of architects,
artists, filmmakers, writers, thinkers, teachers, and students contribute
toward the development of a new political culture / movement?

We would like to use the space this Friday evening to consider some of
these different approaches and imagine together potential ways in which
these processes can be intensified.

Aside from the risks of any police actions, are the risks of certain
normalizing processes entering, which risk delimiting the potential growth
and experimentation inherent in this process? And at what stage and in
what manner do we implicate (occupy?) the institutions (from universities
to museums) which have assumed (often uncritically) the same neoliberal
values, measures and cultures which have produced this crisis?

Of course, there is already an aesthetic dimension to the ongoing
occupation, one that links bodies laying claim to the space of the street,
with images and sounds of those bodies transmitted across the planet.
Moreover, artists and cultural workers have participated in organization,
planning, logistics, and practice of the occupation in varied ways. From
working inside the various work groups of the general assembly, to others
who have contributed with ‘protest art’ of slogans, chants, signs,
puppets, music, screenings, programming, hacking, diverse interventions,
teach-ins, performances, acts of civil disobedience, and audio-video
documentation of all of the above.

While acknowledging the importance of these manifestations, and wanting to
see and hear more of them, we also wonder what ways can our particular
know-how be elaborated at this juncture? What else can be made visible,
audible, legible?

What we want to do is give space to consider and bring various positions
and proposals together in one room. The hope is to create a space oriented
toward amelioration and development of actions, new uses of this context,
development of new proposals, rather than appearing smart or right or
taking the position of a spectator (however emancipated).

2. A call

Bring proposals, sketches, ideas for actions, events, words, images,
demonstrations, both possible and impossible. Share reports or
documentation of things that have happened, may have happened, failed, or
could be done.

3. A note on the format

Everyone is welcome to come and to contribute to discussion.

For those interested in presenting, a computer and projector will be
available to amplify sound and show images. In order to speed up
transitions between presenters, interested contributors are encouraged to
submit materials in advance via file-sharing services (dropbox, yousendit,
etc.). Please send a link to the materials to the following email address:

Those who are not able to submit materials in advance are still invited to
bring them on Friday, but also encouraged to arrive a bit early.

Please anticipate short presentations, approximately 5-7 minutes each. We
will try to adjust the timing of the presentations (shorter or longer) to
accommodate the number of respondents.

4. Links

NYC General Assembly:
NYCGA Arts & Culture working group:
NYCGA Direct Action working group:
NYCGA Media working group:

Occupy Wall Street:

Global Revolution:

Franco Berardi & Geert Lovink
"A Call to the Army of Love and to the Army of Software"

And And And
"Letter To the General Assembly and Affinity Groups of Occupy Wall Street"

16 Beaver Group
16 Beaver Street, 4th fl.
New York, NY 10004

for directions/subscriptions/info visit:

4,5 -- Bowling Green
2,3 -- Wall Street
J,Z -- Broad Street
R -- Whitehall
1 -- South Ferry



This Thursday 10/27/11, Occupy Museums returns to MoMA!

Meet at 2:30 PM, Liberty Square, for an information-sharing assembly (under red sculpture) OR meet at 4:00 PM at MoMA.

We will be joined by the Art Handler’s Union, Teamsters Local 814, who have been locked out of their Sotheby’s union jobs for over three months now. Following Occupy Museums, we will march to the Teamsters’ picket line at the Sotheby’s evening auction, which starts at 6:00 PM on 1334 York Avenue.

Occupy Museums and the Teamsters Local 814 stand together in solidarity!

Please join us and to bring your own manifestos (BYOM), to read in the General Assembly at the doors of the museum! Please keep them short- 3 minutes max so that everyone can participate. For this action
we are moving away from the voice of a sole author to a collective voice. We welcome all to be part of our assembly and let your voices be heard!

What is Occupy Museums?

We are artists, art lovers, and art workers! We live and love art and are committed to its growth. However, we see many museums in their current manifestations as key elements of a larger system whose funding structure and relationship to the market, disempowers artists, and alienates art from the 99%. Value is manufactured by false scarcity, propped up by the cult of celebrity and the parlor game of speculation. This undermines the potential power of art to be a much greater force in our society.

We believe that to Occupy is to claim space for dialog and transparency through the physical presence of our bodies. It is to hold space that was previously inaccessible. As Occupiers, we bring the General Assembly to the doors of the museum, to engage in a dialog about the relationships between the arts and capitalism.
This is only the beginning.

At its core, the Occupy Movement is about imagining and building a just and democratic future. It is generative not destructive. We are shifting collective consciousness. We are here to envision what the museum can be, what art can be, and how we can create a society that works for the 100%.

2:30 -- Informational assembly at Liberty Square
3:15 -- Occupy 4 train to MoMA
4:00 -- General Assembly at MoMA!
5:00 – March or M31 Bus to Sotheby’s at 1334 York Avenue
5:30 -- Stand in Solidarity with Teamsters Local 814

twitter: #occupymuseums

CLICK THE OM LOGO AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO READ THE NEW ARTINFO ESSAY BY BEN DAVIS, "Why I Support the Occupy Museums Protesters, and Why You Should Too."




We Are the 99% (as we gather together) 

hello, we made this video with grounded tv, its the preamble to the declaration of the occupation of nyc

... please watch it! also we are working on the rest of the demands--- more music!

thanks, savitri

director// reverend billy & the church of stop shopping

[FIND MORE INCREDIBLE #OWS Video & New Media Projects in the Occupennial Art Database, HERE.]


Flow chart of the Declaration of the Occupation

Click on the image to zoom in

Flow chart of the Declaration of the Occupation

by Rachel Schragis


To zoom in, visit:


Design 111 and #OccupytheClassroom

Julie Takacs teaches Design 111 at SUNY Cobleskill. The students of her class happened to be studying texture/collage as the #OccupyWallStreet movement began to go nationwide. After discussing the situation in class, she challenged them to create a collage that expressed their viewpoint on #OWS. Shedidn’t influence them on which side they would take, but allowed them to use their own personal situation as the basis for their work.

The students presented their collages to the class and in doing so they shared their ideas and opinions. Art is a strong form of communication and she wanted to show her class how to take their work to a wider audience beyond the classroom by posting and sharing on the internet. The tumblr platform seemed perfect for the art show, so the class elected the name for this blog and agreed to have their work published on the web.

After this work was done, she presented the projects to a group of senior graphic designers. They are supplying the tumblr blog with the graphics they did for the campus.

The names of the participants:

The Design Class: Serifat Adesina, Jim Buzon, Mike Constantino, Samantha Dequatro, Noelle Gushlaw, Kemar Hemmings, Sydney Hewitt, Kumasi Knight, Victoria Kodak, Kristie Laverdiere, Aaron Maas, Hailey Markel, Jason Marrano, Josh Meilak, Alexis Peters, Heather Price, Adolfina Rodriguez, Brittany Schell, Kayla Shea, Danielle Sweetser, Brian Walker, Beth Watson, Professor Julie Takacs

Graphic Design Club: Professor Margrethe Lauber, Bianca Ramos, Hannah Nye



Occupy Halloween-PLANNING UPDATE!

Occupy Wall St. has been invited to join the largest public halloween parade in the nation!
For more information about OWS's participation the Halloween parade, visit:

If you're interested in paraticipating, there are several meet-ups in the next few days:

For puppet building, please contact Joe or Alma with questions or days and times you're planning on coming by!  Our contact info can be foudn at the bottom of the post.  The studio is in Joe's name and he is the mind behind the puppets we are building. 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 
Build puppets and paint banners 6pm to midight 
20 Jay Street, Brooklyn (A or F) 

Build and paint all day! 
20 Jay Street, Brooklyn (A or F) 

1pm - Battery Park 
Participation and Info Meet Up! 
Come by the park to take a look at the puppets, meet some of the 
people involved and let us know if and how you'd like to participate 
the day of Halloween!  We will have a few choreographers, make up 
artists and others there if you need some assistance organizing and in 
general want to hear your plans for the parade. 

1pm - Battery Park 
Rehearsals and Report Backs! 
People who want to be in the Superheroes v Supervillains morning event 
or want to be in the parade, come to the park so we can settle any 
last minute logistic questions and check in on the various projects 
culminating on Halloween. 

Monday - Halloween! 
9am - Superheroes v. Economic Supervillains 
Contact Gan at, for more details.  We will have 
costumed crusaders, such as the Master of Degrees, there to fight the 
social and political inequities of our system.  Watch for an all out 
battle and contact Gan if you want to participate! 

7:30pm - Parade! 
We will begin meeting for the parade!  Please get in touch for more 
details on where to meet and how the blocs will be arranged. 

Conact info:

General email - 
Joe - 
Gan - 
Alma -


Occupy Design

Great new website that provides downloads of informational graphics about income inequality:



OWS, from A-Z, by Theodore Hamm

A=arraign; arrears; arrests

Many came to Occupy Wall Street because they are in arrears, only to be arrested, with some even arraigned.

B=Bloomberg; Brookfield Properties; Brooklyn Bridge

Bloomberg and his buddies at Brookfield were dismayed when the mass arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge failed to stop the protests.

C= commune; cops; corporations

While some folks are creating a commune, cops are protecting corporations.

D= democracy, American; democracy, direct

American democracy is controlled by political parties that respond to money, whereas direct democracy is handled by participants answering to each other.

E= exhilaration; existentialism; experience

Joining together with your fellow ninety-nine percenters can be an exhilarating existential experience.

F= freedom of speech; free market

Fuck that free market nonsense, the protesters say, exercising their right to free speech.

G=grip, gripe

Many who gripe about the OWS protests need to get a grip.

H=Hydra; hydrate

Donated supplies continue to hydrate the Hydra.

I=individualism; indivisible

I pledge allegiance to Occupy Wall Street, and to the democracy for which it stands, indivisible, with liberty and justice for the 99%.

J=jackboots; Jacobins

Don’t let the jackboots turn you into Jacobins.

K=Kelly, Ray; kettling

Kelly and his keepers keep on kettling.


At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me echo Che’s statement: “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”  


A question for the banks: “Where’s the money, Money?”

N=Nine; Ninety-Nine

We are the 99 percent; You are the 99 percent—and all of us will gain nothing from 9-9-9 or any other nefarious nostrums.


The lack of meaningful occupations has led many 20-somethings to join the Occupation.

P=Percent, One

Lots of folks in the one percent will gladly tell you that they are part of the middle class.

Q=quest; quixotic

Ending inequality may seem like a quixotic quest, but the fight has to start somewhere.

R=revel; revelation; revolution

Many revel in the revelation that a revolution is upon us.

S= shambles; shame

American democracy is in shambles, and it’s a shame.

T= Tea Party

The Tea Party is astroturf, but OWS is grassroots.

U=usual; usurp

Rather than accept business as usual, OWS usurped national attention.


If there’s one flick that all the protesters seem to like, it’s V for Vendetta.

W=Wall Street

If there’s one place that none of the protesters seem to like, it’s Wall Street.


If there’s one radical figure that nobody on Wall Street likes, it’s Malcolm X.

Y=Yippies; yuppies

When OWS protesters channel the spirit of Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies, yuppies get nervous.

Z=Zuccotti Park

Though it sounds like an Italian restaurant, Zuccotti Park is actually the site of the New York City Commune.




Occupy Halloween Flyers



New Photos in Protest Achive


NYCGA/AC Photography Guild co-organizer Will Hamza Giron added a set of terrific images to  the Occupennial PROTESTS gallery. Check them out!

Occupennial invites you to add your images of protests, protesters, signs and the art of #OWS to our fast-growing archive of photos of the occupation! Follow the guidelines here to contribute:


N+1's Occupy! An OWS-Inspired Gazette 


With the help of Astra Taylor (Examined Life; Zizek!) and Sarah Leonard of Dissent and the New Inquiry, we’ve put together a history, both personal and documentary, and the beginning of an analysis of the first month of the occupation. Articles deal with the problem of the police; the history of the “horizontalist” management structure at OWS; how to keep a live-in going when what you’ve tried to shut down refuses to shut down (like Harvard, or Wall Street); on whether the Fed should be abolished; on where that Citibank arrest video came from; on occupations in Oakland, Philadelphia, Atlanta; on what happens next; and more.

It’s an attempt to begin to think through what is happening, written by people both on the ground and across the river. We hope you’ll read it and discuss it with us. There’s a lot more thinking and doing to do.


“9.5 Theses on Art and Class” by Ben Davis

1.0 Class is an issue of fundamental importance for art
1.1 Inasmuch as art is part of and not independent from society, and society is marked by class divisions, these will also affect the functioning and character of the sphere of the visual arts
1.2 Since different classes have different interests, and “art” is affected by these different interests, art has different values depending on from which class standpoint it is approached
1.3 Understanding art means understanding class relations outside the sphere of the visual arts and how they affect that sphere, as well as understanding class relations within the sphere of the visual arts itself
1.4 In general, the idea of the “art world” serves as a way to deflect consideration of both these sets of relations
1.5 The notion of an “art world” implies a sphere that is separate or set aside from the issues of the non-art world (and so separates it from class issues outside that sphere)
1.6 The notion of an “art world” also visualizes the sphere of the visual arts not as a set of conflicting interests, but as a harmonious confluence of professionals with a common interest: “art” (and so denies class relations within that sphere)
1.7 Anxiety about class in the sphere of the visual arts manifests in critiques of the “art market”; however, this is not the same as a critique of class in the sphere of the visual arts; class is an issue that is more fundamental and determinate than the market
1.8 The “art market” is approached differently by different classes; discussing the art market in the absence of understanding class interests serves to obscure the actual forces determining art’s situation
1.9 Since class is a fundamental issue for art, art can’t have any clear idea of its own nature unless it has a clear idea of the interests of different classes

2.0 Today, the ruling class, which is capitalist, dominates the sphere of the visual arts
2.1 It is part of the definition of a ruling class that it controls the material resources of society
2.2 The ruling ideologies, which serve to reproduce this material situation, also represent the interests of the ruling class
2.3 The dominant values given to art, therefore, will be ones that serve the interests of the current ruling class
2.4 Concretely, within the sphere of the contemporary visual arts, the agents whose interests determine the dominant values of art are: large corporations, including auction houses and corporate collectors; art investors, private collectors and patrons; trustees and administrators of large cultural institutions and universities
2.5 One role for art, therefore, is as a luxury good, whose superior craftsmanship or intellectual prestige indicates superior social status
2.6 Another role for art is to serve as financial instrument or tradable repository of value
2.7 Another role for art is as sign of “giving back” to the community, to whitewash ill-gotten gains
2.8 Another role for art is symbolic escape valve for radical impulses, to serve as a place to isolate and contain social energy that runs counter to the dominant ideology
2.9 A final role for art is the self-replication of ruling-class ideology about art itself—the dominant values given to art serve not only to enact ruling-class values directly, but also to subjugate, within the sphere of the arts, other possible values of art


(Submitted by the author for Occupennial Blog/Library - Admin)


"Why #OccupyWallStreet? 4 Reasons." 


#OWS Portraits

Portraits from Liberty Plaza by Monty Stilson

To view Monty's Occupennial photo gallery, "Portraits from the Epicenter," click HERE.


Greetings from Vienna


BETA Statement for Review: On the AS/TAS Intervention at 38 Greene St.

We of #OWS Arts and Culture working group are dedicated to the use of non-violent action to express our Constitutionally-assured right to peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances. #OWS Arts and Culture seeks to develop strong community relations with those who also care about the future of the 99%. That community includes arts organizations with long histories of 99%-supporting activities, like those practiced by Artists Space. The individuals who intervened there this weekend acted autonomously, with no connection to, support from, or consensus with #OWS.

NOTE: The above statement is in a BETA version until tomorrow's meeting of the NYCGA Arts and Culture Working Group Meeting (6PM at 60 Wall Street). We invite all to contribute input or feedback for this statement in the COMMENTS field below. Your responses will be added as addenda to the final document arrived at through consensus in the group. This statement was developed through an online discussion thread on the Arts and Culture Google Group, which is organized as a transparent, open membership. Eleven people contributed to the statement's formation over the course of several dozen emails, before the statement's posting for group consideration on the Occupennial Blog here, in advance of full discussion at the meeting tomorrow (October 24).


A New Addition in the Occupennial Library

ABC No Rio Dinero: The Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery, 1985. Edited by Alan Moore and Marc H. Miller. Designed by Keith Christensen. No Rio Blockhead by Becky Howland. Cover design by Joseph Nechvatal


ABC No Rio Dinero: The Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery
Edited by Alan Moore and Marc Miller
New York: ABC No Rio with Collaborative Projects, 1985


ABC No Rio Dinero: The Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery is a catalogue of the gallery's first five years as well as an exploration of the broader artistic context from which No Rio emerged. Although No Rio never followed a strict agenda, it viewed itself as an interactive space where art, politics and community mixed. As such, the gallery was linked to artist groups like Colab, Group Material, and PADD, as well as the South Bronx gallery, Fashion/Moda. No Rio found inspiration in its Hispanic neighborhood, but it also connected with the East Village's newly burgeoning music and club scene, and the wave of commercial art galleries that opened in the area soon after No Rio began. During No Rio's first years, shows were generally organized by artists, and open to all who wanted to participate. The gallery specialized in theme exhibitions and was the launching pad for new ideas as well as for the careers of many successful artists.


Occupy Halloween: How to participate

Occupy Wall St. has been invited to join the largest public halloween parade in the nation!

They are going to give us a great spot and support our participation in the parade. Occupation Accomplished!

Last year over 60,000 people showed up and it was widely covered in the media, both in NYC and globally. So it's up to us to show the world what our movement is about. The whole world is watching!

TIME:  5:00 pm Meet-up. Parade begins 6:30. 

LOCATION: Parade begins at Spring St. and 6th Ave. We will meet up nearby to gather our forces before we march. Check back soon for the exact location.


In line with our movement's principles, we are asking people to step forward and self-organize their own costume blocs. If you are more than 30 people or so, consider having your own banner. We will all march together in our own #OccupyHalloween section of the parade.


We encourage you to find others doing similar themes and connect, so you can work together as a bloc. You can also contact us at so we can help support you in this. 

Themed Blocs may include...

Wall St. Zombie Bloc

Corporate Vampire Bloc

Superhero Bloc

V-mask Bloc

Music Blocs (Marching bands, drummers, etcs)

Or whatever you want to do!


For those of us who do not have a bloc, we will all be marching together in the giant "Free for All' section. That will probably be most of us. Let's make it huge!


This is not only a chance to celebrate (which we deserve!) but also an amazing opportunity to express our message to the larger public, both in NYC and the entire world. So consider taking the following costuming tips in order to maximize your message. 


We still need help building puppets and costumes, as well as with materials and supplies. To join in, go here.


For much more information, please visit the Occupy Halloween website