Tacky [#j29]

an experiment
performed @ J29, Occupy Town Square
as intro to ThePeopleStaged

A database of art actions that have taken place as part of #OccupyWallStreet
If you would like your project to be added to the database, please email occupywithartNY@gmail.com
an experiment
performed @ J29, Occupy Town Square
as intro to ThePeopleStaged
Uploaded by RhodesPictures on Jan 14, 2012
MoMA is exhibiting work from one of the most renowned Mexican painters of the twentieth century, Diego Rivera. Diego influenced by the Mexican Revolution and the Russian Revolution, believed that art should play a role in empowering working people to understand their own histories. Meanwhile MoMA buys and sells millions of dollars in art at Sotheby's auction house. Sotheby's has locked out 43 Local 814 union art handlers, claiming they are unable to negotiate a new contract with them. "The auctioneer proposed cutting the handlers' workweek to 36 1/4 hours from 38 3/4 hours and increasing the number of temporary laborers, according to both sides. The union said new work rules would decrease eligibility for overtime, resulting in take-home pay declining 5 percent to 15 percent. Temporary workers without medical or pension benefits would replace unionized art handlers as they retire or find other jobs. Chief Executive Officer William Ruprecht, yearly salary doubled in 2010 to $6 million dollars."
The Aaron Burr Society will occupy the Winter Solstice by marching through the Oak, Maple and Sycamore tress of our Commons at McCarren Park in Williamsburg.
At 9pm on Thursday, December 22, we will meet at the Matchless bar on the corner of Manhattan and Driggs, just one block from McCarren. Then from 9 till dawn of the new celestial year [1], we will march back and forth over the roots of these old trees to celebrate our Common ground, this planet, our earth. There will be no agenda, just communing with our fellow travelers and the spirits of change, which will be in perfect balance, suspended by the solstice. Please join us to commune with these transgendered spirits and together we will tip the balance to the 99%; to save this misshaped sphere, our planet, Mother Earth.
Celebrate with us by making noise, smoking cigars and placing luminaries along the pathways of our Commons. For the uninitiated, luminaries are paper bags with lit candles inside. Of course the Society's luminaries will be stamped with "Free Money" and "Slave of Wall Street" just as our Federal Reserve Notes [dollars]. And we will write #OWS on the bag in anticipation of our newly ordered stamp.
Our march will be accompanied by the French bugle, the chrome plated baritone bugle/tuba, and symbols which are the cymbals that we have played from Madison WI to the Summer of Change and throughout the occupation. Please bring bells plus pots and pan to bang. Of course it goes without saying that additional musical instruments are always welcome.
and yes, yes, I said yes, the Society will bring a bottle of our home distilled, 2nd Whiskey Rebellion spirits to warm our collective soul.
p.s. attached is a foto of the New York Stock Exchange’s xmas decorations. Please note the predominance of Red without Green, the traditional holiday colors. The monochromatic light emanating from the NYSE is indicative of the fires of hell, though I regret besmirching the devil’s reputation by aligning the prince of darkness with Wall Street Bankers.
Our Winter Solstice luminaries will feature white candles in brown, working class lunch bag.
p.p.s. it goes without say that all Pilgrims are welcome to our Solstice celebration whether or not you are a member of the Society or haven’t been occupying. Please pass this along.
[1] Please do not confuse the dawn of a new celestial year with the dawn of the next day. The new celestial year is 12am, not the rising of the sun. We would assume that members will be continue celebrate well past midnight but no consensus has been reached about last call.
“I Win. You Lose.” A Call to Action by students from the School of Visual Arts. Participants needed to occupy every corner on Wall Street and deliver a message…. !
We are….
….shocked by the unabashed corruption and self-interest that runs rampant throughout corporate America.
….faced with a life-time of debt in the pursuit of an education.
…the 99%.
Energized by the ideals and actions of Occupy Wall Street, we want to make our message heard and let the 1% know we will not be ignored nor can our path be bypassed.
Occupy every corner of Wall Street and New York’s Financial District at lunch time participate in the action: “ I Win. You Lose. ”
Join us on Tuesday December 13, 2011.
Orientation meeting at 12:00 noon at Louise Nevelson Plaza Triangle (at the junction of Liberty St., Maiden Lane and William St.).
Action begins at 12:30.
For more information contact Kirby at:
http://www.twitter.com/kikibraga (twitter) | @kikibraga (ows) | http://www.IWin-YouLose.blogspot.com
The action requires 2 participants who work in pairs. Each pair stands on a different corner of an intersection in the Financial District, and passes a piece of paper currency between them (currency note available at the orientation, or downloadable at IWin-YouLose.blogspot.com beginning Thursday, December 8th). The first participant (X) passes the currency to the other (Z). As Z accepts the money, she/he says, “I win. You lose.” The recipient (Z) then passes it back to (X) who repeats the phrase, “I win. You lose.” The action is performed slowly, deliberately, and articulately (clear projected voice, not yelling), without “acting,” and is repeated for 60 minutes ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
More information coming including downloadable pdf, etc by Thursday, December 8th
For more information contact:
http://www.twitter.com/kikibraga (twitter) | @kikibraga (ows) | http://www.IWin-YouLose.blogspot.com
If possible, please RSVP so that we can have an estimate of how many participants will attend; but if you can’t join us any way!
477 W. 142nd Street is a landmark building on Alexander Hamilton's former estate. The building has served for decades as a residence for low-income families and been a key site of the black community in New York City. The house is currently facing foreclosure by Madison Park Investors LLC and E.R. Holding. Brutal tactics have been used to try and force residents out, including the sabotage of the building's boiler as the winter months approach.
December 6th marks the international day of action for Occupy Wall Street against the foreclosures led by the 1%. On this historic day Occupy 477 and Occupy Museums join forces to stand against gentrification and stand up for the right to housing for all!
It just so happens that The Museum of Finance on Wall Street is housed in the former headquarters of the Bank of New York, founded by Alexander Hamilton—America's first Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton created the country's financial system. On December 6th, we will march a replica of 477 W. 142nd Street to the Museum of American Finance, and offer it as an exhibit of the damaging effects of Wall Street’s financial system on American’s everyday lives.
December 6th,
12:00 PM ----Meet at 477 West 142nd st. HDFC
3:00 PM----Arrive at Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall Street, New York
Occupy Museums to protest the anti-democratic policies of Lincoln Center and Bloomberg on the last performance of Satyagraha Thursday December 1, 2011 at 10:30PM.
It is no doubt timely that Philip Glass' opera 'Satyagraha'--which depicts Gandhi's early struggle against colonial oppression in South Africa--should be revived by the Metropolitan Opera in 2011, a year which has seen popular revolutions in North Africa, mass uprisings in Europe, and the emergence of Occupy Wall Street protests in the United States.
Yet we see a glaring contradiction in ‘Satyagraha’ being performed at the Lincoln Center where in recent weeks protestors from Occupy Wall Street have been arrested and forcibly removed for exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceful public assembly.
It’s also a striking irony that Bloomberg L.P is one of the Lincoln Center’s leading corporate sponsors. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has stifled free speech, free press, and freedom of assembly in an aggressive campaign against Occupy Wall Street protestors in New York City that has influenced a crackdown on the protests nationally. The juxtaposition is stark: while Bloomberg funds the representation of Gandhi's pioneering tactics of nonviolent civil disobedience in the Metropolitan Opera House, he simultaneously orders a paramilitary-style raid of the peaceful public occupation of Liberty Park, blacking out the media, while protestors are beaten, tear-gassed, and violently arrested.
Satyagraha is a Sanskrit word meaning "truth-force," and we at Occupy Wall Street, by exercising tactics of nonviolent direct action inspired by those championed by Gandhi, have insisted that the truth be told:
Our commons have been stolen from us to profit the wealthiest 1%. We have lost homes, jobs, affordable education, natural resources, and access to public space. Our culture has been co-opted by a corporate elite. Many suffer so a few may thrive.
Previously, Occupy Museums and other OWS groups came to Lincoln Center to protest the "generous philanthropy" of David H. Koch, the funder of the Tea Party and of anti-global warming research, who uses philanthropic contributions to the former New York State Theater to whitewash his misanthropic reputation and write off his taxes. We will return again to Lincoln Center, where 'Satyagraha' has inspired us to once again challenge the ruthless nexus of power and wealth and reclaim our public space and common dignity.
We would like to announce two actions:
✔A General Assembly at 10:30 PM at Lincoln Center. Join us in an open conversation about the effects of increased privatization and corporatization of all aspects of society, and the use of nonviolent civil disobedience around the world to reclaim the commons.
* Composer Philip Glass will join the general assembly and mic-check a statement.
✔If permission is not granted to protest on Lincoln Center plaza by Thursday evening, some members of Occupy Wall Street will enact a hunger strike. They will not end this strike until their demands are met, starting with the demand that Lincoln Center and the City of New York guarantee the freedoms of speech and assembly on the city-owned plazas and walkways of Lincoln Center. Occupy Museums stand in solidarity with these hunger strikers and offer support for this courageous form of protest.
The symbolic opening of this space for protest stands for the spaces all over the city and country that we vow to liberate from the control of the 1% for the full use of the public.
Massive 24-hour DRUM CIRCLE and JAM SESSION party starting tomorrow, Sunday at 2pm, outside Mayor Bloomberg's personal townhouse: 17 East 79th Street.
Tie-dye, didgeridoo, hackeysack welcome! No shirt, no shoes, no problem! And if you don't have talent, don't worry: FREE DRUM LESSONS offered! Also on offer: collaborative drumming with the police!
Even though this is a 24-hour drum circle, don't be late! The mayor loves evictions. Who knows what'll happen? In any case, there'll be an afterparty in world-famous Central Park right afterwards.
OCCUPIED, is an art show and events series inspired by the evolution of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, hosted by BLUESTOCKINGS. Over 30 artists from around the world contributed posters, prints, signs, photographs, drawings/works on paper, and multimedia installations. The show opens Monday NOV 14th and runs through DEC 8th, 2011. The show and events series is intended as a "cultural benefit" for OWS Arts&Culture and BLUESTOCKINGS. It will be a vehicle through which to engage in dialogue and contemplation of the OWS movement thus far.
Come out to BLUESTOCKINGS this MON NOV 14th @ 7PM to celebrate the opening night of OCCUPIED featuring artwork inspired by, and from artists working with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Tonight’s program also includes performance, music, food, drink and discussion. The exhibition will be up through Thursday, December 8th.
OCCUPIED: AN OCCUPY MOVEMENT GROUP SHOW runs November 14th thru December 8th at Bluestockings 172 Allen St, NYC, NY (1 blk south of Houston St @ Stanton, 2nd Ave stop on the F train). The opening party is Monday November 14th, 7 to 10pm, is free and open to the public. For more information contact Bluestockings at 212-777-6028 or art@bluestockings.com. www.bluestockings.com, http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154380834660987, http://www.facebook.com/bluestockingsnyc
BLUESTOCKINGS is a volunteer powered and collectively owned radical bookstore, fair trade cafe, and activist center in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Through words, art, food, activism, education, and community, we strive to create a space that welcomes and empowers all people. We actively support movements that challenge hierarchy and all systems of oppression, including but not limited to patriarchy, heterosexism, the gender binary, white supremacy and classism, within society as well as our own movements. We seek to make our space and resources available to such movements for meetings, events, and research. Additionally, we offer educational programming that promotes centered, strategic, and visionary thinking, towards the realization of a society that is infinitely creative, truly democratic, equitable, ecological, and free.
Artist Ehud Darash presented his planned intervention at 16 Beaver last night.
Please join him in making this action happen:
Description: We are going to fall, very slowly - from standing to laying down, in the vicinity of Zuccotti Park. It is an artistic action that is adressed *to* OWS, celebrating the diversity of this movement by introducing to it a temporary "otherness" - a different way of being.
We will meet at the red cube for a short teach-in and an explanation of the background of this gesture and practice.
The following is an example of previous renditions of the action:
Stravinsky’s timeless and haunting “L’histoire du Soldat” (“The Soldier’s Tale”), a parable for three actors and seven musicians, will be performed for Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park by Broadway actors and New York musicians on Nov. 3rd from 5-6pm, with a possible additional performance on Nov. 4th.
*(NOTE: Nov. 4th is our back-up rain delay date! We’ll keep you posted!)*
Stravinsky and C.F. Ramuz’s hour-long tale/ballet/oratorio tells the story of a Soldier on leave to see his sweetheart. Nearly home, he is sidetracked by the Devil. In an infernal insider-trading scheme, the Soldier gains a magic book that tells the future of the economy, but, in return, must give up his precious violin. Imprisoned - by the Devil, his newfound wealth, and his own delusions - this veteran is separated from his loved ones and true happiness. This fairy tale, spoken in sparkling verse to some of Stravinsky’s most charming and memorable music, is about the complex nature of greed, and the meaning and price of freedom. Its themes resonate effortlessly with the aims and ideals of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Starring famed New York actors Erik Liberman (Broadway, “LoveMusik,” Helen Hayes-Award Winner for “Merrily We Roll Along”), Elizabeth Stanley (Broadway, “Company,” “Cry-Baby,”), and Nick Choksi (“Invasion” at The Flea, “Twelfth Night” with Sonnet Rep, regular on “One Life to Live”), and with some of New York’s finest contemporary music performers conducted by Ryan McAdams, this one-time-only performance explores the relationships between money, love, and happiness through a fairy tale that is, like all great fairy tales, beautiful, terrifying, funny, and deeply moving.
A group of artists, curators and art critics are planning an action at the Berlin Deutsche Guggenheim on the 7th of November at 3pm.
Re-functioning the Semi-Public in participation with the Deutsche Guggenheim:
Deutsche Guggenheim as Questions Platform
The Deutsche Guggenheim has people who walk around with little signs that read, "Ask me a question" or "Frag mich." So, that's exactly what we will do. We plan to enter the Museum incognito and at a specific moment take out signs from bags or from under our clothes and silently hold them up. Each sign will ask a question related to contemporary art world and the inequalities thereof, one side in German, the other in English.
We found this to be the most appropriate form of protest as it is both physically non-violent and ideological non-violent, simply posing questions in an institute that claims to be for the public benefit and has hired people walking around asking for questions.
The Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin is a small room on the ground floor of the skyscraper of the bank, above 100 art works are found on display. Overall, the museum functions as a lobby of the bank exhibiting its most creative form of fund-diversification. I have one friend who work at the DeutscheGuggenheim. No one is being "assaulted." This has been a major concern of ours from the beginning- not to accuse anyone of anything, even though there is a lot of accountability at hand. The point is trying to subvert the very mechanisms of the museum, and by doing so critically calling into question the museum's and the Deutsche Bank's role in the great inequality of workers in the arts, how the vast majority make barely a living wage while a tiny fraction make sickening amounts of money. Or should we simply accept that 99% of artists are mediocre, perhaps they are, but should this boundary one must cross from being a bad artist to being a "good"(commercial successful) artist be so extreme?
Perhaps a concern is that we will not actually be open for dialogue/ asking extremely passive aggressive questions that deny a possible answer, or attempt at/ a beginning of answering. This is not our intention and we believe this relatively minor action could ultimately be of some benefit for the museum.
Below is a link to a model of successful "questioning" that is not accusatory, even when dealing with people who normally would be on the other side of the fence, and that ultimately makes people, simply put, think. That doesn't force them to identify with a certain group and that does not put them on the defensive. This too is our goal. Otherwise, we can only expect the expected.
The game is up: we see through the pyramid schemes of the temples of cultural elitism controlled by the 1%. No longer will we, the artists of the 99%, allow ourselves to be tricked into accepting a corrupt hierarchical system based on false scarcity and propaganda concerning absurd elevation of one individual genius over another human being for the monetary gain of the elitest of elite. For the past decade and more, artists and art lovers have been the victims of the intense commercialization and co-optation or art. We recognize that art is for everyone, across all classes and cultures and communities. We believe that the Occupy Wall Street Movement will awaken a consciousness that art can bring people together rather than divide them apart as the art world does in our current time…
Let’s be clear. Recently, we have witnessed the absolute equation of art with capital. The members of museum boards mount shows by living or dead artists whom they collect like bundles of packaged debt. Shows mounted by museums are meant to inflate these markets. They are playing with the fire of the art historical cannon while seeing only dancing dollar signs. The wide acceptance of cultural authority of leading museums have made these beloved institutions into corrupt ratings agencies or investment banking houses- stamping their authority and approval on flimsy corporate art and fraudulent deals.
For the last few decades, voices of dissent have been silenced by a fearful survivalist atmosphere and the hush hush of BIG money. To really critique institutions, to raise one’s voice about the disgusting excessive parties and spectacularly out of touch auctions of the art world while the rest of the country suffers and tightens its belt was widely considered to be bitter, angry, uncool. Such a critic was a sore loser.
It is time to end that silence not in bitterness, but in strength and love! Because the occupation has already begun and the creativity and power of the people has awoken! The Occupywallstreet Movement will bring forth an era of new art, true experimentation outside the narrow parameters set by the market. Museums, open your mind and your heart! Art is for everyone! The people are at your door!
ThePeopleStaged is an open stage for performance at OccupyWallStreet. As an entertainment outlet, ThePeopleStaged welcomes performances of all kinds and invites all to perform. ThePeopleStaged is an entertainment outlet ('open-mic' without the mic) for:
~ the participants of the Occupy Movement
~ the police who are watching over us
~ the observers who may join us
~ and the world who are with us.
Performances are encouraged to be no longer than 5 minutes.
- Share your world, your expressions, your political opinions (perform You)
- Respect diversity of expression and culture
(Note: As an independent group project (and not a working group) what follows is not necessarily the expressed opinions of the OccupyWallStreet Movement)
For an updated schedule and archive of performances, visit ThePeopleStaged Facebook page.
Protesters were not given permits to protest at Wall Street forcing them blocks from the New York Stock Exchange [NYSE] to the Zuccotti Park. Wall Street was barricaded off. Only part of the sidewalk was accessible to the public and there is a constant police presence around both the protesters and the NYSE at all times.
#arOCCUPYWALLSTREET takes the protest to the heart of the financial district, placing them directly in front of the NYSE. Augments now blanket the entire financial district.
Augmented reality gives protesters a global voice. The protest has spread to the White House lawn!
You can join the cause too! Details on how to do so can be found here.
For more documentation of the project visit the website: http://aroccupywallstreet.wordpress.com
#arOCCUPYWALLSTREET is organized by Mark Skwarek.
Using designs made by volunteer artists, the OWS Screenprinting Lab has produced literally thousands of graphics, printed for free on anything the people bring us including the shirts off of people's backs. Materials are all donation funded and the lab is staffed by a rotating group of volunteer printers who, in turn, train new volunteers to become printmakers. The effort has grown from sporadic printing sessions to a constant flow of prints aimed at spreading the word about the Occupy movement. These images are literally circling the globe - reaching far away geographies from Brazil to China.
For documentation visit: http://www.flickr.com/groups/ows_screenprinting/pool/
The Box Project by Abbigael Beddall
In early 2009 Abbigael Beddall began the production of 1000 handmade boxes using unique scraps of paper from a variety of sources. Now -- having tagged, priced, numbered, signed, and fully documented the works – they are ready for free distribution in exchange of a signature in her catalogue. (Much like a receipt or petition.)
Beddall will distribute the boxes, valued at $2,178,508,724 combined, to individuals at the Occupy Wall Street site on October 15, 2011 from 12noon to 2:00pm. The artist sees the project as her contribution to the economy as those accepting the boxes will see their individual assets increase accordingly.
The boxes help "stimulate the economy while highlighting our failed systems of value,” says Beddall. The performance scratches far beneath the surface, simultaneously mocking and creating economic exchange that flies in the face of those who have decided they are global decision makers.
The first 500 boxes will be distributed in New York City October 15, 2011 on Wall Street next to the bull's ass.
The last 500 boxes will be given away in Washington DC on October 22, 2011 at Freedom Plaza, Pennsylvania Ave. NW (between the Department of Treasury and U.S. Capitol).
Liesa Lietzke performed an intervention during #OccupyOakland:
"I started this work by pondering how to fit sculpture to the topography of Frank Ogawa Plaza, the city center of Oakland. My purpose, as always, was an aesthetic intervention that introduced playful absurdity into the everyday setting. When I heard that #OccupyOakland was going to happen in the plaza, I thought how much more fun it would be to install the work as a launch for the Oakland Occupennial (The first occupennial was organized by #OccupyWallStreet--the word references biennial art fairs). Being a lone rogue artist is, after all, a tired trope.
I installed the work before the first event on 10/10 and watched as people gathered over the course of the afternoon to fill the plaza, the space itself renamed by a large banner reading "Welcome to Oscar Grant Plaza--on Ohlone land."
The work was completed by people's participation. Some examined and squeezed the sculptures. One piece was labeled with a sign reading "Octopi Oakland." Looking at the same multi-legged piece, another occupier commented, "I don't get it. Is it making the point that suits are dicks?""
We have a window here, change will happen, to begin to think about what is wanted, not not wanted, has many levels of meaning and action. In order to properly Notarize these statements I need valid Identification. As one attests to who they are (that is actually what I am notarizing) they must form their thoughts about what a new world might look like, dually they state these envisionments, and by this act, include themselves in helping to make their vision a reality. Its illocutionary, my dear. Actually in the laws of the Notary, we are held to what we say (and we must say what we say Aloud!), or we will be committing perjury. However I do not threaten perjury to happy occupiers and visitors, but an opportunity to think for themselves what it is they want. This is not by consensus, but will be made into a collection. I plan to make this into a document that can stand as an archive of thoughts of this time of change. To be used in what way seems best, a library, for further action, research - however, as time will tell. For now it is important to document this sentiment and initiate the forming and annunciation of these affirmations.
Josh Luke (pro sign painter of Best Dressed Signs) and I headed over to Occupy Boston to help improve their signs. What was there was signs you’d make quickly if you had a sharpie and a piece of cardboard. What we left were a few handmade, red, white and blue beauties.
We tried to remake signs that identified tents like “Legal,” “Info,” “Media,” the free market, and others. Then Josh and I made a giant reminder to “Have Fun” before we finished.
We did this casually and took photos with our cell phones. Most of these photos are of Josh’s work because I was so stunned by his skills I actually forgot to take pictures of my own.
Read some other thoughts on the PSFK blog.