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OWS Space Team Presents: Works on Paper by Ingrid Burrington @Hyperallergic [#m10]

Space Team presents:

"Lapsed Logic"
Ingrid Burrington
Opening reception Saturday March 10, 6-9PM
@Hyperallergic HQ

The Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic is pleased to announce "Lapsed Logic," a solo exhibit by Ingrid Burrington of "works on paper made during uncertain times in preparation for disasters yet to come," opening Saturday, March 10 from 6-10PM.

The graphite drawings for "Lapsed Logic" were composed by Burrington in two chronological and emotionally distinct phases over the past year: the second phase constituting a revival and resonance of the first phase; in tandem the two phases articulating artistic and personal transformation over time - actually two times, separated by a pause.

In Burrington's "Lapsed Logic," the artist works in the stylistically restrained medium of the info-graphic and hand-drawn text, using the tools of data visualization in a surprisingly intimate, if coded, way.

The exhibit continues through March 31st.

"Crystals" by Ingrid Burrington

In February and March of 2012, Hyperallergic invited the Spatial Team [Occupy Wall Street/NYCGA/Arts & Culture Working Group] to occupy the Hyperallergic office in Williamsburg/Brooklyn/NYC/NY/USA. "Lapsed Logic" is a project created during this residency, "The Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic."

Ingrid Burrington's photostream at Flickr:

About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )

Paul McLean (Occupy with Art co-organizer; Space Team):

Hyperallergic HQ:
181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211

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