The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 5 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene with an orientation session.
[PROPOSITION 1]: At our first meeting, we will ask ourselves to construct a reading program for the two-month residency at Hyperallergic. What are the questions we would like to raise? What texts and printed matter will be in our library that speak to those questions? Our initial focus - aligned with the residency objectives - will be Occupied Space, and the projection of it, its materialization processes, the definitions and realities of space and habitation. How does history affect (or not affect) space, or location? Time? Naming? Do the differences between virtual and actual need to be addressed, or can they co-exist? Who owns “space,” and who owns “occupation” of it? What contingent schemes emerge, once we begin to answer such questions. Is space a fact? Can or does space change? Is occupation the energy that drives such change, and is such change progressive or systematic? Of course, because we are agents of Arts & Culture, these and other considerations and conjectures will be inspected through that particular lens, at least to begin. Because we are OWS, we must articulate our grievances (peacefully), for their redress; & because we are OWS, we must simultaneously investigate ourselves, collectively, individually, expressively. Finally, we can explore what arts best apply to space and occupation, and who and what factors engage to determine the spatial arts of Occupy, in this threshold moment - [an event?].
The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ).
About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )

181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Spatial Occupation Reading Group Session 1 [Orientation]: 7PM, Sunday February 5, 2012