
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries in spatial occupation (14)


Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic: Discussion of OWS as Performance Art

OWS activist handing out fliers in the Bedford Avenue L station on October 28, 2011. (photo by the author)

Please join us for a discussion about performance art and Occupy Wall Street. From the early days of OWS performance art and artists have played a pivotal role in raising awareness about OWS and its importance.

This Wednesday, March 28, starting at  7:30pm until 9pm, we will explore the topic with artists, critics and OWS activists to better understand what it means and what role performance art plays in activism today.

The event will be at Hyperallergic HQ, which is located at 181 N 11th Street, Suite 302, Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

If you have any questions about the event, feel free to reach out here.


LAPSED LOGIC: Solo Exhibit by Ingrid Burrington @SO@H [#m10]


revTALKS: Ezequiel Adamovsky - (SO@H), MAR8 7-8pm

Ezequiel Adamovsky (from Argentina): experience comes from the extraordinarily radical process that the Argentinians went through during their crisis. Their political system was more or less paralyzed and was seen as irrelevant, and people's GAs sprang up all over the country. He was heavily involved in the “Asambleas” movement (a grassroots phenomenon emerging in Argentina after the Rebellion of 2001), and he is involved in a number of collectives of global resistance and the World Social Forum.

His recent book (May 2011) entitled Anti-Capitalism Adamovsky tells the story of the long-standing effort to build a better world, one without an abusive system at its heart. Backed up by arresting, lucid images from the radical artist group United Illustrators, Adamovsky details the struggle against rising corporate power, as that struggle unfolds in the halls of academia, in the pages of radical newspapers, and in the jungles and the streets. From Marx through the Battle of Seattle and beyond, Adamovsky traces the beliefs and politics of the major figures in the anticapitalist tradition and explores modern experiments in building different ways of living, in the process providing an indispensible primer for anyone interested in finding alternatives to the so-called "best system we have"—and anyone interested in joining the fight.




Thursday, March 8 7-8PM

Hyperallergic HQ:
181 N 11th St #302
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Click to read more ...


SO@H Residency Reading Group, Session 5 [#M4]

Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic Reading Group
Sunday, March 4

Reading Group Session #5

Readings (both texts by David Graeber, and available for free download at Graeber’s Wikipedia page, HERE):

  1. ON THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF GIANT PUPPETS: broken windows, imaginary jars of urine, and the cosmological role of the police in American culture


181 N 11th St, Suite 302, Brooklyn, NY 11211


OWS Space Team Presents: Works on Paper by Ingrid Burrington @Hyperallergic [#m10]

Space Team & Hyperallergic present:

"Lapsed Logic"
Ingrid Burrington
Opening reception Saturday March 10, 6-9PM

The Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic is pleased to announce "Lapsed Logic," a solo exhibit by Ingrid Burrington of "works on paper made during uncertain times in preparation for disasters yet to come," opening Saturday, March 10 from 6-10PM.

Click to read more ...


Spatial Occupation Reading Group [Session #4]

Spatial Occupation @Hyperallergic

Reading Group Session #4

Readings: Selections from Moby Dick [introduced by Chris Cobb]; + reading groupers are encouraged to bring 1-4 page printouts for the group to read, or to be read aloud, on the subject of food, plus other substantials/substances


181 N 11th St, Suite 302, Brooklyn, NY 11211

1st Mission Statement for Arts & Culture [#A30, 2011]


[NOTE: This text was referenced during the Space Team screening project at Hyperallergic, "Wall Street Stunts: OWS Arts & Culture Before September 17." We are meeting Tuesday evenings at 7PM, through the end of March. The link to the original is HERE. Thanks to Adrian for research.]


Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Session 3 [#f19]

Reading Group: Session #3
Text: The Many-Headed Hydra, by Marcus Rediker and Peter Linebaugh
Sections: Introduction/Chapters 1 & 7
Special Spatial Guest: Theodore Hamm, Editor, Brooklyn Rail

Sunday, Feb 19 7pm

181 N. 11th Street #302
Brooklyn/Williamsburg/NYC/NY/USA [11211]




SCREENING: Wall Street Stunts! OWS Arts & Culture before September 17

[From Jez]:

Tuesday, Feb 14 @ 7 pm, Hyperallergic in Brooklyn 
SCREENING: Wall Street Stunts! OWS Arts & Culture before September 17
On September 1, 2011, a group of unsuspecting individuals wandered down to the front of Federal Hall Memorial with the intent of pulling a harmless stunt: to have a sleep-over on Wall Street!  Little did they realize this little performance, this playful act of bravery, would result in 9 arrests (the first of OWS) and help instill many activists into new life.

In the early days of the OWS general assemblies, the Arts and Culture group helped plan and perform a number of direct aesthetic actions on Wall Street that helped set the stage for Occupy Wall Street as a movement.  Tonight ____, we offer a look back at some of the first appearance of this movement to be caught on video.  We'll be gathering several members of the original Arts & Culture team to be in attendance to comment, tell stories, and answer questions!   We're going to #memee all about it!  If you wish to learn about the inventive origins of Occupy Wall Street, we encourage you to attend!

The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ).

About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )


181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211


Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Session 2 [#f12]

The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 12 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene to discuss Greg Sholette's seminal text, Dark Matter.


Sign-up Tool for Spatial Occupation Residency at Hyperallergic

Created by Matt of Tech Ops


Hyper-Imaginary [Movie]: A Screening Program for the Spatial Occupation residency at Hyperallergic: F7

For Immediate Release

February 6, 2012

Hyper-Imaginary [Movie]: A Screening Program for the Spatial Occupation residency at Hyperallergic
Tuesdays 7PM, February-March 2012
Start Date: February 7, 2012 (orientation)

HYPER-imaginary MOVIE

[SUMMARY]: For February and March of 2012, Hyperallergic has invited the Spatial Team [Occupy Wall Street/NYCGA/Arts & Culture Working Group] to occupy the Hyperallergic office in Williamsburg/Brooklyn/NYC/NY/USA. On Tuesday evenings at 7PM, we will meet to consider the moving image in relation to Occupy Wall Street. We will watch movies, videos, animations and maybe create some of our own. We'll also talk, share ideas, and invite guests to inspire the occupation of the moving image.

[PROPOSITIONS]: Is a fully occupied life better than any movie? Does a movement have a movie?

When Occupiers appeared as an intervention on the Law & Order: SVU set in December of 2011 did they re-establish actuality to the "Mockupy" scenario made-for-TV, or did something more profound occur? [1] What would Baudrillard say? One sign carried by a protester read, "WE ARE A MOVEMENT - NOT A TV PLOT." Is this true?

How has Occupy Wall Street inspired filmmakers to re-examine cinema as a project? Is filmmaking by consensus possible? Is Hollywood immune to horizontal structures and transparency? Will OWS inspire a 99% cinema? What would that be, and who will produce it? What of the "director," the "actors," the "star," or the "crew?" How does the production praxis of the moving image, and the roles of the players within its context, shift in the 99% movie's creation? How will the final cut be distributed?

Which films would be on a Top Ten Movies of Occupation list?  

Regarding online video [2]:

>>In his rather grim assessment of the domain of small screen video in the introduction to Video Vortex II: Moving Images Beyond YouTube, Geert Lovink writes, “The Attention War is real.” [3] Nothing has authenticated Lovink’s claim more profoundly than Occupy Wall Street. Earlier in the short but seminal text, Lovink doggedly propositions us with a sequence of questions about the future of online video, finishing with this one: “Is online video liberating us from anything?”

Post-9-17-2011 (the day OWS materialized as an occupation of Zuccotti Park), we have some new answers about the utilitarian value of online video. I’m not referring to anything remotely art-centric here, yet, with regards small-screen, networked video transmitted on/for/by electronic devices.

I mean moving images that seemingly erupt from the societal margins and shoot into the monopolized global perceptual space, disrupting the placid managed surface of acceptable 1% talking points. I mean movies that project a 99%-oriented iteration of real events into the stream of content wired people access to figure out what’s happening now, and not just what’s happening in one’s particular, preferred info-silo.

Online video has occupied Big Picture reality, finally offering more than laughing babies, cute kitties and bedroom guitar maestros. Online video is maturing as a decentralized syndicate for unmediated transmissions. What OWS has proven is that the “margins” are really the main, and the Dark Matter Greg Sholette describes in his book by the same name,
[4] the 99% - is us, to paraphrase Pogo.<< (Paul McLean, “Low Lives: Occupy”)

Will we make our own movie, starring ourselves? Is this a "game" project for the Novads, and what are the stakes?


[2, 3] + free download of Video Vortex Reader 2:

[4] In the Occupy with Art library:



Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Orientation [#f5]

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 5 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene with an orientation session. [PROPOSITION 1]: At our first meeting, we will ask ourselves to construct a reading program for the two-month residency at Hyperallergic. What are the questions we would like to raise? What texts and printed matter will be in our library that speak to those questions? Our initial focus - aligned with the residency objectives - will be Occupied Space, and the projection of it, its materialization processes, the definitions and realities of space and habitation. How does history affect (or not affect) space, or location? Time? Naming? Do the differences between virtual and actual need to be addressed, or can they co-exist? Who owns “space,” and who owns “occupation” of it? What contingent schemes emerge, once we begin to answer such questions. Is space a fact? Can or does space change? Is occupation the energy that drives such change, and is such change progressive or systematic? Of course, because we are agents of Arts & Culture, these and other considerations and conjectures will be inspected through that particular lens, at least to begin. Because we are OWS, we must articulate our grievances (peacefully), for their redress; & because we are OWS, we must simultaneously investigate ourselves, collectively, individually, expressively. Finally, we can explore what arts best apply to space and occupation, and who and what factors engage to determine the spatial arts of Occupy, in this threshold moment - [an event?].  The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ). About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )  Hyperallergic: 181 N 11th St Brooklyn, NY 11211 Spatial Occupation Reading Group Session 1 [Orientation]: 7PM, Sunday February 5, 2012 ###



The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 5 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene with an orientation session.

[PROPOSITION 1]: At our first meeting, we will ask ourselves to construct a reading program for the two-month residency at Hyperallergic. What are the questions we would like to raise? What texts and printed matter will be in our library that speak to those questions? Our initial focus - aligned with the residency objectives - will be Occupied Space, and the projection of it, its materialization processes, the definitions and realities of space and habitation. How does history affect (or not affect) space, or location? Time? Naming? Do the differences between virtual and actual need to be addressed, or can they co-exist? Who owns “space,” and who owns “occupation” of it? What contingent schemes emerge, once we begin to answer such questions. Is space a fact? Can or does space change? Is occupation the energy that drives such change, and is such change progressive or systematic? Of course, because we are agents of Arts & Culture, these and other considerations and conjectures will be inspected through that particular lens, at least to begin. Because we are OWS, we must articulate our grievances (peacefully), for their redress; & because we are OWS, we must simultaneously investigate ourselves, collectively, individually, expressively. Finally, we can explore what arts best apply to space and occupation, and who and what factors engage to determine the spatial arts of Occupy, in this threshold moment - [an event?]. 

The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ).

About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )

181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Spatial Occupation Reading Group Session 1 [Orientation]: 7PM, Sunday February 5, 2012



Spatial Occupation: A residency at Hyperallergic

[Click the image to visit the residency blog.]

Beginning February 1 and continuing through the end of March, Hyperallergic will host a residency in their Williamsburg/Brooklyn/NYC/NY/USA office, co-organized by the Spatial Team [OWS/NYCGA/Arts & Culture Working Group]: Spatial Occupation.

Spatial Occupation at Hyperallergic will commence with a pot-luck on Friday, February 3 [start-time: 7PM].

For more information: