
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries in The Illuminator (3)


NYC Guerrilla Drive-In with Illuminator

WHAT: a 99% Guerrilla Drive-In street party (with The Illuminator!)
WHY: GE is being a "tax hole"
WHEN: 8pm, Tuesday, April 17, Tax Day
WHERE: GE's most famous subsidiary, NBC
(meet up @ the rink @ Rockefeller Center)

GE is possibly the worst corporate tax-dodger in the country. The've made billions off the 99%. In New York alone, GE's tax dodging has cost us $297 million. Money that could go to educating our children, keeping our neighborhoods safe, providing healthcare for our seniors, or creating good jobs in our communities. Instead it's all disappeared into the GE Tax Hole.

While we pay our fair share and play by the rules, GE sends an army of tax lawyers and lobbyists to Washington to write its own rules.

Well... Not. Any. More.

On Tax Day, Tuesday April 17, the 99% is heading to GE's most famous subsidiary, NBC, located at 30 Rock, in the heart of Manhattan, with a little surprise for GE, and a little party for ourselves.

Our beautiful secret weapon, The Iluminator, will be there to shine a light on GE's misdeeds. And the Tax Dodgers will take the plaza in their high-styling baseball duds and "go to bat for the 1%."

Later this month thousands of 99%ers are planning to swarm GE's shareholder meeting in Detroit, and they're looking to us to set the tone. Let's not disappoint!

Come on out Tuesday night and lets close down GE's tax hole. Popcorn will be served.


WS2MS: Saturday [#m31] - The ILLUMINATOR & Elizabeth Blum!

Wall Street to Main Street programming for this weekend:

Saturday, March 31, 7:45 PM Mark Read’s shape-shifting van, The Illuminator lights up Catskill’s Main Street. This mobile activist tool converts to an Occupy Wall Street library and cinema with hot cocoa and popcorn served while viewing short documentaries and cartoons about the Occupy movement. Pocket park at 355 Main Street, Catskill.   Also, meet guest artist, Elizabeth Blum, activating her streaming light projection installation at 365 Main Street, 9 PM.

Concept sketch for Liz Blum's installation at WS2MS


IT LIVES! The Illuminator debuts Saturday [#m3] @LL:O!

Sketch by Isaac Moylan

Occupiers, 99%-ers, Fellow Insurgents,

The rumors are true.  Deep in the bowels of Brooklyn the plans were hatched, the forces gathered, the dream made real. The Illuminator has been given form and will ride out on its maiden voyage this Saturday night as part of Low Lives: Occupy!  Its mission:  To smash the myths of the information industry so that people might see for themselves what the 99% movement is fighting for.  The Illuminator is a tactical media tool and spectacularization machine, a beautiful and useful instrument to be used to grow and strengthen the movement in New York City and around the country.  We've got big plans.  Go to the website, follow us on the social media outlet of your choice, and stay tuned.

To catch us on Livestream on Saturday night at 7:28, 8:26, or 9:24pm, check in on the Low Lives channel:

To catch us live, follow us on one of those aforementioned outlets. 

See you in the Streets,

The Illuminator Team

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