ALERT! Google disabled the OwA e-mail account!

Yesterday, I attempted to log into the Occupy with Art gmail account, and got a message-page indicating the account had been disabled. I haven't checked that account in several weeks, which is unusual, so I am not sure at this point exactly how long the email has been down. I have contacted Google to request information on the action Google took, but have to date received no reply. The terms of service allow Google to terminate any gmail account without cause - not sure how many of us know that. I did. Still, I will pursue the matter to the extent possible. The structure of OwA was developed over time and has changed significantly since September 2011. The Google mail account was opened to permit all in our group access to administrative functions. We have not changed the password, or done anything to prevent open access. Now, most of the core OwA group has moved on, and we will begin a new phase for the collective, beginning in July, with CO-OP/Occuburbs. Between now and then we will clarify new contact inputs and propose a new structure for Occupy with Art. Til then, please don't hesitate to contact us at artforhumans [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Paul McLean
Occupy with Art co-organizer