
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries by admin (551)


Making Worlds: E-Flyer


Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Session 3 [#f19]

Reading Group: Session #3
Text: The Many-Headed Hydra, by Marcus Rediker and Peter Linebaugh
Sections: Introduction/Chapters 1 & 7
Special Spatial Guest: Theodore Hamm, Editor, Brooklyn Rail

Sunday, Feb 19 7pm

181 N. 11th Street #302
Brooklyn/Williamsburg/NYC/NY/USA [11211]




"Who are you in bed with?

Click the image to view Paul Talbot's amazing photos of the Revolutionary Games' Valentine's Day intervention.


OWS Space Team Presents: Valentine's Day @Hyperallergic

Occupy Wall Street: Wall Street is ALL (!) Streets from SpontaneousAutonomousCreativity on Vimeo.

Tuesday, Feb 14 @ 7 pm, Hyperallergic in Brooklyn 
An Occupy Love Screening: OWS Arts & Culture's First Encounters with Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Arts & Culture's first activities on Wall Street focused on rhetorical poetry were a confrontation -- not unlike the Situationist art of Guy Debord and the Situationist International, prominent artists of the May 1968 events in France.  These situations were aimed to provoke a memee with society about Wall Street on Wall Street, the now zombified public forum.  Jez Bold will offer a public memee session with members of the original team of Occupy Wall Street Arts & Culture, who helped plan and perform a campaign of direct aesthetic actions on Wall Street, performances that attempted to set the stage of Wall Street before September 17, 2011 and the beginning of the occupation.
181 N 11th St, Suite 302, Brooklyn, NY 11211


Making Worlds: An OWS Forum on the Commons

February 16-18, 2012

Church of the Ascension, 122 Java Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.


An Invitation

The Occupy movement is entering a new phase, one in which many of us feel the need to combine renewed engagement through direct actions and mobilizations with a deep reflection on the strategic objectives of our movement. In order to fulfill this need, the organizing committee of Making Worlds* is inviting Occupy supporters, sympathizers, and other organizations to participate in this Forum on the politics of the commons. In particular, we are interested in understanding how groups and communities working on housing, health care, education, food, water, energy, information, communication and knowledge resources can develop a vision of these resources as commons: a third form of social organization to the state and corporate capitalism. Making Worlds has the ambitious goal of articulating a strategic vision from and for the movement as well as specific political initiatives aiming at its realization.




A Poem by Christopher Moylan

(Photo: Paul McLean)



Next has a hole in it

You can’t see across…

The horizon slips further away,


But it was always that way…

Clouds tear from clouds,

Light falls to pieces, sky


loses its parts of speech…

Deadwood advances on

springtime, a warm breeze


getting warmer all the time…

The sun is in eclipse,

looking with the naked eye,


Everyone else goes blind.

The river is cold and swift.

kneeling to take a sip,


Everyone else gets tipsy…

Turn out your pockets,

compassion needs a loan…


The old words are worn thin,

The new ones require faith

one doesn’t have: swaps and


Derivatives, securities for

Houses under water…

Take care the quiet neighbor,


beware the friendly banker

and job creator…Beware

the savior monetized like


an inspirational movie…

The planes are taking off

Again, the silos are dilating


From the Rockies to Iran…

Watches synchronized; on

their wrists, it’s always midnight…


Time to reassess; the air

We breathe is free, what

to do with it? The spot we


stand on was staked with

light once. It can be again.

We can be better. We can be


New. From now until the end

Next is always at hand.

We can fill it with what


Could be. So much want

To unwrap and pass around

One strong hand to another.


If the higher ground is cluttered,

Overgrown with neglect,

Or lit up like a carnival,


Then come down,

The open ordinary is just fine.

Pick a spot, and occupy.


Occupy Your Mind


Welcome to OCCUPY YOUR MIND! This is where we are posting videos, photos, and transcripts that people across the country have created from interviews with OCCUPY protesters. To help record the living history of OCCUPY, click HERE!

A Project of The Civilians, The Center for Investigative Theater



Revgames is a way for people to combine revolution and game play to break down barriers that normally exist around fear of speaking out. Revgames is about standing up against the larger corporations, local government and politicians in a none threating and non-violent way. Revgames looks to engage people to share, play and express themselves In fun and creative ways, shareing these games with others and building on games to push boundaries. This is the launch of our newest game, "bed-in" play inside or outside, set up a bed stage and create performances and raise questions.
Bed-In, Bed-Out, Revolution All About!
February 14th Launches new OWS Game-Campaign asking:
#RevPlay | Washington Square Park | Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14th 11am
Inspired by John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s famous 1969 Bed-In, Occupy Wall Street supporters #RevPlay launch their newest campaign-game, urging people everywhere to ask Who Are You in Bed With?  On February 14th, we reclaim Valentine’s Day as an invitation for peaceful revolution: love over money, staging a Bed-Out in the public square, open to all to get in the bed, bringing the conversations that happen behind closed doors, out into the open.  Politicians: Who are you in bed with?  Government: Who are you in bed with?  

Click to read more ...


New Photos by Paul Talbot!


SCREENING: Wall Street Stunts! OWS Arts & Culture before September 17

[From Jez]:

Tuesday, Feb 14 @ 7 pm, Hyperallergic in Brooklyn 
SCREENING: Wall Street Stunts! OWS Arts & Culture before September 17
On September 1, 2011, a group of unsuspecting individuals wandered down to the front of Federal Hall Memorial with the intent of pulling a harmless stunt: to have a sleep-over on Wall Street!  Little did they realize this little performance, this playful act of bravery, would result in 9 arrests (the first of OWS) and help instill many activists into new life.

In the early days of the OWS general assemblies, the Arts and Culture group helped plan and perform a number of direct aesthetic actions on Wall Street that helped set the stage for Occupy Wall Street as a movement.  Tonight ____, we offer a look back at some of the first appearance of this movement to be caught on video.  We'll be gathering several members of the original Arts & Culture team to be in attendance to comment, tell stories, and answer questions!   We're going to #memee all about it!  If you wish to learn about the inventive origins of Occupy Wall Street, we encourage you to attend!

The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ).

About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )


181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211


Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Session 2 [#f12]

The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 12 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene to discuss Greg Sholette's seminal text, Dark Matter.


Occupy Jane: Declaration [5]

There are many issues raised by the Occupy movement, but they all stem from a system that prioritizes profit over the well-being of people and our greater society. In theory, government is supposed to be the balancing force that keeps the profit-driven system in check, but it can’t when corporations have increasing influence over government.

The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
Andrew Cuomo Report on bank bail-outs and bonuses


A Non-Valentine Message

By Jim Costanzo

Aristotle understood that money is a form of social exchange. Joseph Beuys called this process social sculpture and proclaimed that all people are creative in the way that they live their lives. Art is an intensified form of social exchange, more specific and at times poetic. But intensity is not limited to artists and should not be separated from daily activities. Creativity is our Commons, Art is our Commons. Limiting creativity is limiting social exchange. It is a form of oppression; the slavery of the 99% imposed by the 1%.

This was a synthesis of my performance for Greg opening at the forum, transcribed below.

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Occupy Non-Violence Buttons


Interview With Chris Hedges About Black Bloc

Reposted from
by: J.A. Myerson, Truthout | Interview

Fight corporate influence by keeping independent media strong! Click here to support Truthout.

Chris Hedges' syndicated Truthdig column "Black Bloc: The Cancer in Occupy," printed Tuesday at Truthout and elsewhere, created quite a stir among members of Occupy Wall Street (OWS). Some endorsed the sentiment. Among others, including some central organizers who helped plan the action over the summer, the column raised eyebrows and hackles. I compiled what I considered to be the best critiques of the piece that I came across (as well as my own questions) and interviewed Hedges over the phone.

I explained at the outset that I, too, had written in Truthout to urge doctrinal nonviolence and that I am enormously fond of Hedges' prodigious body of work. Nevertheless, I explained, there was a lot about the column that confounded me and many people I'd heard from, and I asked him to let me push for clarification on a number of points. Here is the transcript of that recorded interview, edited very minimally for clarity.

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In the Arena - Occupy Update!

[Hahaha] ...the Occupy movement IS ABOUT IDEAS; was never meant to be a fixed thing or fixed physical presence. Here's a New York Times article today about the potency of the ideas of the Occupy Movement. The piece is interesting because it looks at Occupy as a sort of social experiment and even the author isn't quite sure what the answers are.

For a righteous analysis applied to the Occupy phenom, pick up a copy of the February issue of Brooklyn Rail at the local coffee house - or online here. It's Chris Moylan's analysis ("A Festival of Reason and the Art of Common Sense"), previously published in a BETA form at OwA (look in the CO-OP section of Active Projects & Proposals), which cuts to the chase and reframes the meaning of Occupy Wall Street and its material artifacts.

The most controversial occupational text of the past week no doubt is Chris Hedge's essay on Black Bloc and the so-called "Diversity of Tactics" euphemism, which concludes: "There is a word for this—'criminal.'” Milo asked in the mdst of the dust-up, "Why be distracted by this sideshow? Why not ask what it will actually require of the 99% to overthrow the 1%? It's been done before, just not thoroughly enough. If America could beat down the Nazis, Communism and colonialism, etc., why not unhinge the 3000 year-old top-down yoke of oppression that is strangling our commonwealth. Who and What's at the rotten roots of this exploitative, democracy-corrupting 1% inhumanity complex? How do we get rid of them - permanently, so we can be free?"


Mr. Fish


Human Sirens in Pyhajoki

This is an activist sound protest!

Recorded 15th of January 2012 in in Pyhajoki/ Hanhikivi.

Private and organized activists (for example Greenpeace Finland and Sweden) came together to protest against the nuclear power plant plans on the exact location, where the video was recorded. More info here soon.

Please record more human siren videos and send links to me, I will make a special siren website, where all human siren videos are collected. This will become an activist art movement.

Send your sirens to

Antye Greie 


Occupy Art [#f11-12]

Artists to conduct volatile experiments at the Fringe

Perth, Western Australia - Monday 5th February, 2012 --  On the weekend of February 11th and 12th 2012, 1-5pm, "Occupy Art Lab" will take place at the Perth Fringe Festival in the old Treasury Building, staging a series of workshops, performance poetry, hip-hop, visual art experiments and dance interventions as part of a global weekend of action.

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Revolutionary Play Newsletter #3


Tonight's Interoccupy Call & Online Survey!

 If you had all the Occupy artists in one room - and you could ask them one question - what would it be?
Tonight, we are going to do something a little different. We are changing up our format for this InterOccupy Arts Call to focus on open dialogue around the questions that interest you the most. It's a chance to spark a nationwide discussion on the questions you've been keeping to yourself, or saying in smaller circles. It's an opportunity to involve everyone, and get feedback from people across the world. 

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