
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries by admin (551)




Zefrey Throwell, 2011, c-print, 48 x 32 in.

Carlo McCormick moderates a conversation with artists / activists Zefrey Throwell and Sam Gould (Red 76 – nomadic artist collective) and Clark Winter, strategist on geopolitics and financial markets.
Date: Tuesday, February 7. 6:30-7:30pm.

Place: Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert,
524 W. 19th Street, NYC.

[From Joseph]


New Photos by Paul Talbot!

Activist Technology Demo Day (Photo by Paul Talbot)

View the new galleries HERE.


Spatial Occupation Begins at Hyperallergic 

Some of the OWS posters in Hyperallergic HQ, including (right) the original poster that started the "We Are the 99%" chants. (photo by Veken Gueyikian/Hyperallergic)

[See the article at Hyperallergic, HERE.]


Today, the committee arrived to arrange their section of the office and as an added treat they brought some of the historic Zuccotti Park signs from the OWS archive as inspiration. Among the posters is reputedly the first “We Are the 99%” sign (pictured above) that started the chants heard around the world. Some readers of Hyperallergic may recognize the sign, since we published a photo of it in Zuccotti Park in late September as part of our “Signs of Occupy Wall Street” post.


OWS Archives Forum: What should an archive of Occupy Wall Street look like?

@ Judson Memorial Assembly Hall
Sunday Feb 5, 5-7pm

On its surface, it appears to be an impossible task: to document the activities of a major social movement as it is happening. And yet this has been the monumental task undertaken by the Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group (OWS Archives WG), a collection of archivally-interested individuals who have established a sizeable collection of signs, flyers, interviews, oral histories, and artifacts ever since the infancy the occupation at Liberty Plaza (formerly known as Zuccotti Park). And, as you might expect, the OWS Archives working group have encountered this important question of the ultimate vision for an archive of Occupy Wall Street.

The OWS Archives Working Group is seeking input from people throughout the Occupy movement and the broader community of archivists & collectors on how to move forward with the management of the OWS Archives. In a public forum at Judson Memorial Assembly Hall , we intend to offer a presentation on the status of the Archives of Occupy Wall Street and host a discussion on visions for the future of the collection. We highly encourage anyone with an interest in archives and the developing history of the Occupy movement to attend for an exciting and urgent discussion.

Please RSVP to


Tax Dodgers [GE]

Uploaded by on Feb 1, 2012

The Tax Dodgers are a group of street theater performers and activists that are going around to different major corporations and playing out farces around the amount of money the corporation and chief operators of those organizations make. They express in a funny but informative way how corporations make billions and pay no taxes, get government money, but still fire people while paying no taxes and giving the upper management pay raises.


WS2MS Reminder: Call for Co-Curators/Artist Proposals Due Today [#f1]!

Occupy with Art will meet tonight at 7PM at 60 Wall Street.


Spatial Occupation Residency Reading Group Orientation [#f5]

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 5 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene with an orientation session. [PROPOSITION 1]: At our first meeting, we will ask ourselves to construct a reading program for the two-month residency at Hyperallergic. What are the questions we would like to raise? What texts and printed matter will be in our library that speak to those questions? Our initial focus - aligned with the residency objectives - will be Occupied Space, and the projection of it, its materialization processes, the definitions and realities of space and habitation. How does history affect (or not affect) space, or location? Time? Naming? Do the differences between virtual and actual need to be addressed, or can they co-exist? Who owns “space,” and who owns “occupation” of it? What contingent schemes emerge, once we begin to answer such questions. Is space a fact? Can or does space change? Is occupation the energy that drives such change, and is such change progressive or systematic? Of course, because we are agents of Arts & Culture, these and other considerations and conjectures will be inspected through that particular lens, at least to begin. Because we are OWS, we must articulate our grievances (peacefully), for their redress; & because we are OWS, we must simultaneously investigate ourselves, collectively, individually, expressively. Finally, we can explore what arts best apply to space and occupation, and who and what factors engage to determine the spatial arts of Occupy, in this threshold moment - [an event?].  The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ). About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )  Hyperallergic: 181 N 11th St Brooklyn, NY 11211 Spatial Occupation Reading Group Session 1 [Orientation]: 7PM, Sunday February 5, 2012 ###



The Arts & Culture Space Team will be occupying the offices of Hyperallergic from February 1 through the end of March 2012. On Sunday, February 5 at 7PM, the Spatial Occupation Reading Group will convene with an orientation session.

[PROPOSITION 1]: At our first meeting, we will ask ourselves to construct a reading program for the two-month residency at Hyperallergic. What are the questions we would like to raise? What texts and printed matter will be in our library that speak to those questions? Our initial focus - aligned with the residency objectives - will be Occupied Space, and the projection of it, its materialization processes, the definitions and realities of space and habitation. How does history affect (or not affect) space, or location? Time? Naming? Do the differences between virtual and actual need to be addressed, or can they co-exist? Who owns “space,” and who owns “occupation” of it? What contingent schemes emerge, once we begin to answer such questions. Is space a fact? Can or does space change? Is occupation the energy that drives such change, and is such change progressive or systematic? Of course, because we are agents of Arts & Culture, these and other considerations and conjectures will be inspected through that particular lens, at least to begin. Because we are OWS, we must articulate our grievances (peacefully), for their redress; & because we are OWS, we must simultaneously investigate ourselves, collectively, individually, expressively. Finally, we can explore what arts best apply to space and occupation, and who and what factors engage to determine the spatial arts of Occupy, in this threshold moment - [an event?]. 

The “Spatial Occupation” residency at Hyperallergic will generate screenings, a reading group, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, artist talks, workshops, teach-ins and much more over a two-month span. To learn more about the residency, visit the website ( ) or contact the Space Team ( ).

About Hyperallergic: Hyperallergic is a forum for serious, playful and radical thinking about art in the world today. To learn more, visit the website ( )

181 N 11th St
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Spatial Occupation Reading Group Session 1 [Orientation]: 7PM, Sunday February 5, 2012



Spatial Occupation Residency Potluck [#f3]


[#j27]: MoMA Intervention; Video, Photos & Re-enactment by Paul Talbot

Click the image to see the photoset in OwA Photos





More Photos from the Activist Tech Demo Day at EYEBEAM

OwA co-organizer Seth Wulsin generates energy during ATDD at EYEBEAM. (PHOTO: Chris Cobb)

Activist geeks talk shop at ATDD at EYEBEAM. (PHOTO: Chris Cobb)


OwA Online Submissions

[NOTE: Occupy with Art loves it when you share your work with us. Here are two online submissions that came through this past week.]

From: Paul-Felix Montez

Artist proposed national sculpture monument for Zucotti park, something to make Occupy last forever - even proposing it will certainly upset a lot of people hoping it all goes away.

my web site is :
From Athanasia Sky [Occupii & Facebook]
Hi, I'm from Occupy Austin {volunteer on the PR and Media Teams }

I would like to submit a painting.
I have attached photos :) It's difficult to photograph this painting it's kind of irredescent like a foil card.
It is my first painting ever since, fifth grade finger painting :) I think it came out good in spite of that fact :)

Do you guys do auctions???
It is hard for single members or single cities to hold auctions online.
I was hoping OWS or OWashington could run an online auction for all the states and the money could go to the Occupy of the Aritist Choice.
I think that we could make alot of money for the movement that way. :)

Anyway, let me know what you can do to help me out and if it can be auctioned :D Thanks. Our hearts are with you guys everyday. Stay Strong 1<3 :)
- Thanks & we'll let you know if any auction's planned!!

Update: Activist Technology Demo Day & Other Occupy Art News

At EYEBEAM, on Saturday [j28], Occupy with Art participated in the Activist Technology Demo Day, along with other occupiers like the OWS Tech Ops, and the folks who McGyvered the bicycle-driven generators at Zuccotti Part during the occupation last fall. Some amazing apps were on display, with the app-makers on-hand to answer questions and bandy around new ideas for collaborations and exchange. It was a really great event! OwA co-organizers Chris Cobb, Paul McLean and Seth Wulsin passed out Yoko Ono/OWS Wish Tree cards to the many attendees packing the workshop/presentation space, and talked about the projects we're working on for 2012. Paul Talbot came by to photograph the event (we'll post those when they're processed), and CO-OP/Occuburbs/-fest coordinator Chris Moylan came by as well. Quite a few folks from OWS and Arts & Culture supported, too, including Owen, who's working with Rachel Shragis on translations of the Declaration Flow Chart, and Jez of Archive WG, who was still wearing the (fake) bloody shirt he'd worn for his kickoff performance at the previous evening's Occupy Museums intervention at MoMA. We displayed the new blanks of the Declaration with the finished print at our table (see photos), along with handmade signs by Chris Cobb, some flyers from the occupation, relevant texts, and Adrian Rocchio's GA hand signal prints. An informal panel inspired some passionate conversation about technology's impact on activist praxis, at one point almost switching to People's Mic mode, when the wireless microphones glitched out.

Some notable activist tech people/projects:

  • Signal Strength:  It consists of modules for ad-hoc social networking that let people in an urban area interact offline, leveraging their mobile phones for untraceable communications.

We were able to meet-up with these folks to talk about their participating in some of our 2012 programs, like Wall Street to Main Street and CO-OP, and the Space Team residency at Hyperallergic (which starts on Wednesday - more details soon).


Other Occupy Art News:

  • Occupy Museums is on a tear! Check out the latest news, photos and video HERE.
  • Occupy Town Square is happening right now at Washington Square Park! Get on over there!
  • The Novads' Salon IV was, we heard, "loads of wild fun - think all the freedoms we enjoyed in the park this Fall, but indoors :)" - kudos to the Revolutionary Gamers and all who joined in on another memorable occupy-fun happening!
  • The Tax Dodgers hit one out of the park last week & are planning a doubleheader for next week. Stay tuned for details!


New Photo Galleries by Paul Talbot!

Check them out in the OwA Photo Section!


THE Most Important Occupation in the World Right Now.



From the Musicians Solidarity Council
an autonomous group in affinity with Occupy Wall Street


on NYC's music economy

Sunday, Jan. 29, 1:30pm at Washington Square Park, the Arch

Part of Occupy Town Square [ a mobile occupation: ]

  • Is this what we want?
  • Has it always been like this?
  • Are we entrepreneurs, artists, workers or volunteers?
  • What's holding us back?
  • Who's making the money?
  • What are we planning?
  • Do we deserve a minimum wage?
  • What are you doing on May Day?


Spatial Occupation: A residency at Hyperallergic

[Click the image to visit the residency blog.]

Beginning February 1 and continuing through the end of March, Hyperallergic will host a residency in their Williamsburg/Brooklyn/NYC/NY/USA office, co-organized by the Spatial Team [OWS/NYCGA/Arts & Culture Working Group]: Spatial Occupation.

Spatial Occupation at Hyperallergic will commence with a pot-luck on Friday, February 3 [start-time: 7PM].

For more information:


"Games, Art & Revolution"



OwA @Activist Technology Demo Day [EYEBEAM] Tomorrow!


Occupy with Art will be participating in Activist Technology Demo Day, hosted by EYEBEAM, tomorow [Saturday, January 28 from 3-6PM]. Come down, get your Occupy activist geek on, and meet/swap ideas with our team and other similarly occupied peeps (like the Tech-op wizards of OWS). We'll be talking about the upcoming OwA projects like Wall Street to Main Street, Low Lives: Occupy, CO-OP/Occuburbs/-fest, the OWS Spatial Team residency at Hyperallergic, passing out the Yoko Ono/OWS Wish Tree for Zuccotti Park multiples, and swapping info on how OwA and Occupy artists around the globe are imagining new models for 99% economies, exhibitions, alliances, and more, and how today's latest technologies are enabling our efforts and the movement as a whole. Come & join us!

Here's the press release:

Activist Technology Demo Day
Saturday, January 28 3-6pm

Urban Research Group 
Eyebeam Art + Technology Center
540 W 21st, New York, NY 

From Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street, technology has played an important role in shaping contemporary resistance and the representation of these events in the media. What new tools of protest and occupation have emerged over the past year? How does their use help to shape tomorrow’s democracies? The Urban Research Group @ Eyebeam and The Public School New York  have invited activists, technologists, artists, designers, and community organizers who have a working prototype of an activist technology to occupy a worktable at Eyebeam and share their work with the public. Drawn from proposals submitted through an open call, we have selected a group of projects and communities that extend the creative use of technology and its social implications. Our interest is in creating a platform for encounter, conversation and collaboration. Visit for participating project information.

This public event will culminate with a panel discussion at 5pm with special guest Stephen Duncombe, Associate Professor at the Gallatin School and the Department of Media, Culture and Communications of New York University and co-creator of the School for Creative Activism; Mary Mattingly, Eyebeam Fellow and the creator of  Waterpod; and moderated by Taeyoon Choi, Eyebeam Fellow and member of The Public School New York committee.


CO-OP Platform Text 3: Occufest [A Media Proposition]

By Chris Moylan

Occupy Wall Street has been relentless in demonstrating the structural, legal and financial dimensions of a systematic and well-financed process to corrupt Congress, paralyze the executive branch, manipulate the courts, and weaken financial regulations to allow speculative banking and investment practices ruinous to millions and exorbitantly profitable to the few. This calling to account extends to environmental practices, war policy, food production and marketing; the list goes on.

It stands to reason that harm to art and culture has paralleled harm done to economic and political life. On a practical level, when millions lose their homes and their jobs the arts suffer in varying degrees along with other elements of a society. However, detecting changes in discourse, as opposed to changes in attendance or viewership or the like, is difficult and to a large extent requires the wisdom of hindsight. We can track accurately how many people are attending what kinds of movies, but it can take some time to determine what a given cluster of comedies or action movies says about the zeitgeist at given time.  It can take time for the effects of social trauma to manifest themselves in fiction, movies, tv shows, not to mention more ambitious or serious undertakings in music, visual arts, poetry, and dance…

We can, however, identify some of the egregious forms of damage being inflicted on the public psyche right now, leaving the more subtle analysis of cultural artifacts to another time and context. In particular, the working poor and lower middle class people are subject to insult in the guise of entertainment and degradation in the guise of advertising. The Occupy Wall Street ambition to build a better world might include the task of defending and supporting the dignity of those who would inhabit. In particular this is something that artists and writers associated with OWS can do.

Click to read more ...



[From BB]

A Gathering Of The Tribes

Dear Artists,

I would like to invite you to participate in the OCCUPY TRIBES NOW show at A Gathering of the Tribes gallery from February 17th to February 26th. A Gathering of the Tribes, a multi-cultural arts organization, was created in 1991 and has been a source of inspiration for a large and diverse group of young artists, musicians, and writers. Steve Cannon, the executive director who is blind, founded Tribes as a place to help emerging talents and display the diverse community of the Lower East Side. As some of you know, Steve Cannon is currently being threatened with eviction from his apartment at 285 E. 3rd Street, 2nd Fl. New York City, New York. As Steve and his lawyers fight to save Steve’s home and A Gathering of the Tribes, it is important that Tribes Gallery maintain its position in the community showcasing visual art in its gallery.

OCCUPY TRIBES NOW will present 2-D or 3-D work that relates to housing and human rights issues. All work should be priced to sell for between $50 and $100. The money from the sale of the work will be a donation made by the artist to help Steve Cannon and A Gathering of the Tribes with legal bills.

Note: There is no budget to cover shipping and handling costs at this time. Participating artists will be responsible for the delivery and pickup of their work.

Note: Participating artists will be asked to volunteer for gallery sitting hours.

Click to read more ...