
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries by admin (551)


Arts & Labor #OWS Call to NYFA: Stop Publishing Classifieds for Unpaid Internships


The People Staged/Occupy Town Square [#f11]

Hey everybody,
quick FYI: spread the word about Saturday..

The People Staged (a mobile venue for performance in solidarity with
the Occupy movement) will host the next OpenStage this Saturday @ OTS'
F11 event (

For all you musicians and performers, mark your calendars and get your
5-minute act together. We would love to share/experience more music,
performance art..storytelling..and dance too!

Sign-up @ 1:30ish
25th Round of OpenStage Performances @ 2:00ish-5:00ish

The stage will be indoors this time. A tricky treat.
Not sure on the PA yet.
We'll try and film/photo a little better this time.
Planning to have a projector, so if you want to display some visuals
while you do your thing contact us (or short-film/whatever)

If you're interested in performing just come out and sign-up! If you
want to help with the stage e-mail us. We also have a Google Group if
you're interested in the inner group discussions/decisions.

See you Saturday!

Occupy Town Square II: West Park


Occupy Design on Flickr

Click the image above to visit Occupy Design's photostream, and see pics of the #j20 action in CA.


Occupy Design / GOOD stickers

This sticker is the winning design in the contest we partnered with GOOD Magazine on to generate designs.

Want a free sticker?


Noah & Imani Tonight at Parsons/The New School @6:15PM

Noah Fischer working in his studio

AMT Visiting Artist Lecture Series:Occupy Museums: Imani Brown and Noah Fischer

 02/08/2012 6:15 p.m.

The Visiting Artists Lecture Series is sponsored by the School of Art, Media, and Technology (AMT) at Parsons The New School for Design. Organized by Coco Fusco, director of Intermedia Initiatives at AMT, the series invites renowned artists from around the world to give free public presentations each Wednesday.

Occupy Museums is an action group that emerged in October 2011 within the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. The group holds protests as a way to spark discussion of economic injustice and abuse of the public in cultural institutions for the benefit of the 1 percent. The group staged its first action at the Museum of Modern Art and the New Museum, holding an OWS-style assembly, reading a manifesto, and discussing injustices in the world of arts and culture using the people’s mic. This action was widely covered in the press and debated in numerous online forums.


Imani Brown at the f5 Spatial Occupation potluck at Hyperallergic (Photo: Paul Talbot)

Location: Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, 66 Fifth Avenue

Admission: Free; no tickets or reservations required; seating is first-come first-served


Squatting Europe Collective, New York City, February 23-27, 2012

[From Alan]

Yes, the Squatting Europe Kollective is meeting in New York this month. We're hoping it to be historic.
The schedule is posted at:
And pasted here:

Squatting Europe Collective, New York City, February 23-27, 2012

  1. Press release
  2. Reception, Thursday 2/23 at ABC No Rio, 7-10pm
  3. AAG sessions, Friday 2/24 at Hilton Hotel, 2nd floor Nassau Room
  4. Saturday, February 25th, afternoon/evening – Public presentation: “Squatting in Europe: Prospects and Perspectives” at Living Theatre, 5-7pm; ends sharp
  5. Sunday, February 26th – brunch meeting at 16 Beaver Group 12-4pm // meet with O4O group at 7pm
  6. Monday, February 27th – Public meetings with activists TBA // Presentation at CUNY-GC 6:30-8:30pm
  7. SQEK “Living Library” at Interference Archive, Brooklyn
  8. AAG session description (theoretical questions around militant research)

Click to read more ...


The Claudius App Launches

Click the image to visit this beautiful site.

A Journal of Fast Poetry


Occupy Wall Street: A Photographic Document 

Photographs currently on display at the South Street Seaport Museum.


Sign-up Tool for Spatial Occupation Residency at Hyperallergic

Created by Matt of Tech Ops


OWS Structural/Network Schematic

A data visualization being developed by Drew of Tech Ops


Update from the Aaron Burr Society [f7]


Today we celebrate the 256 anniversary of Aaron Burr’s birth. Tomorrow is the full moon and we will commune with the spirit of Aaron Burr while marching in Williamsburg’s McCarran Park blowing the big chrome horn [see fotos] and imbibing the distilled spirits of 2nd Whiskey Rebellion
The moon is a powerful force to reckoned with but that ain’t the only reason we’re celebrating tomorrow night. Tonight we had two Occupy Wall Street meetings, that's right two in one night. First was Occupy Museums with brother Noah and all those new sisters and brothers. And the second was with Outreach to spread the word about Making World, an OWS forum on the Commons which is a’comin’ in a few weeks. Hell’s bells but I’ve been going to so many OWS meeting that I don’t know if I’m coming or going.
Now some of y’ll have been sending cards and letters complaining about our infrequent and erratic postings. And ya ain’t been seeing no Occupiers getting arrested so all y’ll been a thinking it’s over. But think again, that ain’t the case. We’re all planning to break out in the spring with a few surprises before the Equinox just to remind ya'll that we’re still here. And the Society has also been getting around too.
Check out the links:



Hyper-Imaginary [Movie]: A Screening Program for the Spatial Occupation residency at Hyperallergic: F7

For Immediate Release

February 6, 2012

Hyper-Imaginary [Movie]: A Screening Program for the Spatial Occupation residency at Hyperallergic
Tuesdays 7PM, February-March 2012
Start Date: February 7, 2012 (orientation)

HYPER-imaginary MOVIE

[SUMMARY]: For February and March of 2012, Hyperallergic has invited the Spatial Team [Occupy Wall Street/NYCGA/Arts & Culture Working Group] to occupy the Hyperallergic office in Williamsburg/Brooklyn/NYC/NY/USA. On Tuesday evenings at 7PM, we will meet to consider the moving image in relation to Occupy Wall Street. We will watch movies, videos, animations and maybe create some of our own. We'll also talk, share ideas, and invite guests to inspire the occupation of the moving image.

[PROPOSITIONS]: Is a fully occupied life better than any movie? Does a movement have a movie?

When Occupiers appeared as an intervention on the Law & Order: SVU set in December of 2011 did they re-establish actuality to the "Mockupy" scenario made-for-TV, or did something more profound occur? [1] What would Baudrillard say? One sign carried by a protester read, "WE ARE A MOVEMENT - NOT A TV PLOT." Is this true?

How has Occupy Wall Street inspired filmmakers to re-examine cinema as a project? Is filmmaking by consensus possible? Is Hollywood immune to horizontal structures and transparency? Will OWS inspire a 99% cinema? What would that be, and who will produce it? What of the "director," the "actors," the "star," or the "crew?" How does the production praxis of the moving image, and the roles of the players within its context, shift in the 99% movie's creation? How will the final cut be distributed?

Which films would be on a Top Ten Movies of Occupation list?  

Regarding online video [2]:

>>In his rather grim assessment of the domain of small screen video in the introduction to Video Vortex II: Moving Images Beyond YouTube, Geert Lovink writes, “The Attention War is real.” [3] Nothing has authenticated Lovink’s claim more profoundly than Occupy Wall Street. Earlier in the short but seminal text, Lovink doggedly propositions us with a sequence of questions about the future of online video, finishing with this one: “Is online video liberating us from anything?”

Post-9-17-2011 (the day OWS materialized as an occupation of Zuccotti Park), we have some new answers about the utilitarian value of online video. I’m not referring to anything remotely art-centric here, yet, with regards small-screen, networked video transmitted on/for/by electronic devices.

I mean moving images that seemingly erupt from the societal margins and shoot into the monopolized global perceptual space, disrupting the placid managed surface of acceptable 1% talking points. I mean movies that project a 99%-oriented iteration of real events into the stream of content wired people access to figure out what’s happening now, and not just what’s happening in one’s particular, preferred info-silo.

Online video has occupied Big Picture reality, finally offering more than laughing babies, cute kitties and bedroom guitar maestros. Online video is maturing as a decentralized syndicate for unmediated transmissions. What OWS has proven is that the “margins” are really the main, and the Dark Matter Greg Sholette describes in his book by the same name,
[4] the 99% - is us, to paraphrase Pogo.<< (Paul McLean, “Low Lives: Occupy”)

Will we make our own movie, starring ourselves? Is this a "game" project for the Novads, and what are the stakes?


[2, 3] + free download of Video Vortex Reader 2:

[4] In the Occupy with Art library:



People's Puppets of OWS: "Another World Is Possible" [Indiegogo]

   The People's Puppets of Occupy Wall Street is a collection of puppeteers, performers, musicians, visual artists and other creatives who believe in the revolutionary powers of the Puppet Arts.  They have gleefully created numerous puppets and performances in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, protesting the inequalities of today and promoting a radically better tomorrow. 

   The most recent project of the People's Puppets is a toy theater subway series, based around the theme "Another World is Possible".  These shows will tell tales of the future through re-written fairy tales, rhyme and song and stories about fantastical places such as the Possible Hospital and the University of Opportunity.   This toy theater world will be able to transform a tiny corner of a subway car or span the whole length, welcoming all to join in and consider the possibilities of the future. 



Great footage of Seth Wulsin powering direct democracy [J28] about a minute in.


OWS ARTS & LABOR TEACH-IN: Alternative Economies: Occupy, Resist, Produce

Alternative Art Economies

Alternative Economies: Occupy, Resist, Produce
300 Nevins St., Brooklyn
February 19, 2012, 3-6pm

So far remotely done power and glory–as via government, big business, formal education, church–has succeeded to the point where gross defects obscure actual gains. In response to this dilemma and to these gains, a real intimate, personal power is developing–the power of individuals to conduct their own education, find their own inspiration, shape their own environment, and share the adventure with whoever is interested. Preface to the Whole Earth Catalog (excerpt)

Like Stewart Brand’s infamous Whole Earth Catalog, this first installment of the Arts and Labor Alternative Economies Teach-Ins is chock-a-block with practical tools and impossible ideas. Today, people talk about alternative economies using all kinds of terms: The Commons, Solidarity Economies, Communization, Inclusive Democracy, Participatory Economy, Anarchist Consensual Democracy, Libertarian Municipalism, and even bolo’bolo. Whatever their partisan affiliation, these diverse thinkers and doers agree that the current economy is a mess, something must be done about it, right now, by any means necessary.

Despite a resurgent interest in collective and social practice, little emphasis has been placed on the internal relationships that allow creativity to prosper; the labor of nurturing and maintaining often goes under-recognized. As a start, reassessing invisible forms of labor and instituting models that emphasize care underscores the fact that even a solo art practice requires collaboration.

Bring your wired minds, your open hearts, talky mouths and listening ears. We can discuss what we like in the current art economy and what we don’t. We can familiarize ourselves with ideas like Participatory Budgeting, Living Wage, Cohousing, Economically Targeted Investment Programs (ETIs), Worker Cooperatives, Loft Law, Collective Bargaining, Community Land Trusts (CLT), and Worker Justice Centers. We can share our desires and visions for the future. We can just hang out and get to know each other.

Related Event:
FEBRUARY 16 – 18, 2012, Location TBD

Suggested Readings:
Ethan Miller, Solidarity Economy: Key Concepts and Issues:

Christian Siefke, The Commons of the Future: Building Blocks for a Commons-based Society:

Endnotes, Communisation and Value Form-Theory:


Occupy the Hood at PRN

Listen to the podcasts for OtH HERE.

It is the Mission of Occupy The Hood (in solidarity with Occupy Wall St) to get POC more involved in the Occupy Movement. If POC dont get involved once again your voice will not be heard, Stand Up! You can contact OccupyTheHood @ 646-580-4186


Occupy and the Arts: Curating by Consensus in Lower Manhattan

By Katherine Gressel

Originally published at Createquity, January 25, 2012


"Die-in" at Zuccotti Park, January 14, 2012


The OWS movement’s inception resulted from a poster call to action by the alternative media organization Adbusters, and as many other writers have noted, arts and culture were nearly inseparable from the core actions of the movement as the encampment at Zuccotti Park grew. Early on, critics like Martha Schwendener in the Village Voice were quick to describe the park occupation itself as “a kind of art object: a living installation or social sculpture,” blurring the lines between art and life. Richard Kim in The Nation described in detail the symbiotic relationship of an Arts and Culture (A&C) working group to various life-sustaining activities in a “culture rich” Liberty Plaza during the occupation’s heyday. A&C subgroups like the Puppetry Guild added a critical visible dimension to rallies and marches, including bringing OWS to the Halloween Parade. Powerful graphic images have helped spread OWS’s message over the social media airwaves.


D17 [From James]


New Photos by Paul Talbot!

Alex, Imani and Chris at the Spatial Occupation potluck, Friday [F3] at Hyperallergic

Un-settling the Occupation, D29

Farmers V. Monsanto J31


Occupy May Day/Call to Create


Loud Luggage / Booming Baggage

[From GX Jupitter-Larsen]: Hear my rendition of "Loud Luggage / Booming Baggage" (a piece of sound art made with an amplified suitcase) in which I incorporated a field recording I did of the Occupy LA encampment.